[i]shifting her position[/i]
"I could tell you a lot, and that would take years, but I'll tell you the basics; my people, the Dalish Elves, we are all Demi-gods, but there's only a few of us, the others of the clans worship us as if we are gods, we age to a certain extent, to the Elves, the prime of their youth, 120 years, considered an adult, but when the Dalish reach that age, we stop aging, we don't grow older, we live on forever unless killed by external sources, and as a result we learn secrets about the world, given to us by our gods, secrets of the land, the body, and the mind, there's a reason why I can warp reality around me, and that's due to thousands of years of living, you learn many things out of it, and I came here to learn more, anything else?"
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