Hello everyone I'm trying to build a PS3 clan where players can get together, build friendships and just have a good time. Here are the details and plz add me if interested Divine_Fury_
I created this clan hoping to bring people together to help out those in need and to just have fun. Here are my goals...
1. Building friendships and creating an atmosphere where EVERYONE feels comfortable and has a good time.
2. Helping out players to reach a high enough level to get the most out of the game.
3. Creating raid teams so that EVERYBODY can get a chance at the games rarest loot.
4. Creating Crucible teams so that we can dominate the playing field
[quote]Hello everyone I'm trying to build a PS3 clan where players can get together, build friendships and just have a good time. Here are the details and plz add me if interested Divine_Fury_ I created this clan hoping to bring people together to help out those in need and to just have fun. Here are my goals... 1. Building friendships and creating an atmosphere where EVERYONE feels comfortable and has a good time. 2. Helping out players to reach a high enough level to get the most out of the game. 3. Creating raid teams so that EVERYBODY can get a chance at the games rarest loot. 4. Creating Crucible teams so that we can dominate the playing field[/quote]