*the blade phases through me* [b][i]idiot, I cannot be harmed by my own blade[/i][/b]*twists it around, shredding your insides* [b][i]now die, knowing you failed[/i][/b]
*teleports behind you* Im already dead you idiot! *punches you from behind with a firey fist creating a hole inside out* You know i dont need my organs false champion....
*armor absorbs the damage* [b]someone didn't do there research[/b]*my blade glows* *slashes off your head* [spoiler]you really should have read my bio, this armor can't be broken[/spoiler]
*my ceremonial armor is more dense and has more protection in the neck * Dont try decapitating me! *takes out my two hook blades and jabs the both in the eyes slowly tearing your skull apart* Do want this quick or slower and much more painful?
*afterimage fades* ((out of character)) ok you know what, in done, your basically saying your unable to be killed, that's -blam!-ing god modding
Edited by H3ADSH0T DUDE: 5/17/2015 5:03:58 AM[spoiler]no this the armor design aim for the heart his only functioning organ http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/170/c/5/injustice_scorpion_by_letticiamaer-d69ostu.jpg And you claim your armor is unbrakeable now which renders pretty much unkillable[/spoiler]
Not really, if you actually read my bio, I still takes damage, but you kept trying to insta -blam!-ing kill me, and I'm done*gives you the middle finger and walks away*
I wasnt even trying to instakill you my attacks can simply be countered you know
Pretty sure If my eyes get shredded. I'm gonna die, not to mention some of your attacks you made would have insta killed me if I didn't have my armor, you tried to use his fatality on my character. Yeah, -blam!- that
Again you could have countered easily idiot.