As an atheist I wanted to say a few good things about Christianity (because thats mostly what is debated here Christian vs Atheist).
Personally I am not anti-theist, religion is supposed to be a good thing but considering its all a belief system leaves it open for interpretation which results in almost anything. The below doesn't apply to everyone. I still don't believe it as i clarified that I'm atheist but there are a lot of good people out there that are religious. I just wanted to shed a good light on it as some christian users on here have been making some pretty outrageous post that I am noticing many other Christians disagree with.
1) Comforting when stressed to any degree for some
2) Sense of security, as far as God is always there for you
3) At its core [b][u]it's suppose[/u][/b] to promote love for all
4) Some want to save people from eternal damnation, whether you believe in it or not its still a nice gesture depending on how that is handled
5) Guide to morality and happiness
Extremist and simple mindedness are the reasons I hate labels. People generally only associate negative ideas with any label. Whether it be politics/religion/race/etc, its the simple mindedness of many, to not see people as an individual but rather just the stereotypes of the label. Extremist tend to create those labels. My girlfriend and I honestly don't even like calling ourselves Christian (her) & atheist (me) because if you talk to someone who doesn't know you 9 times out of 10 their just going to assume the negatives about what you label yourself (unless their the same label as you).
There's nothing good about christianity. Only people who were brainwashed by their parents would think so.
[quote]Extremist and simple mindedness are the reasons I hate labels. People generally only associate negative ideas with any label. Whether it be politics/religion/race/etc, its the simple mindedness of many, to not see people as an individual but rather just the stereotypes of the label. Extremist tend to create those labels. My girlfriend and I honestly don't even like calling ourselves Christian (her) & atheist (me) because if you talk to someone who doesn't know you 9 times out of 10 their just going to assume the negatives about what you label yourself (unless their the same label as you).[/quote] I'm so glad you said this, as I've been saying it for years. I'm, I guess something like 'non-denominational christian'? I don't know with all of the names anymore. But I really appreciate someone who takes the time to stop and think, rather than just judge, generalize, and try to put down.
Finally, a decent religious post.
I like you.
This is good, no hate, thumbs up
See, a person like you is understanding and respectable. I'm a catholic, but science is fascinating to me. Really, I'd say I believe both, but when someone says he or she is an atheist, I respect that opinion. We all have our own opinions, and personally, I can say that when someone shoves Jesus down your throat, it is very annoying. Really, whether you're Christian or atheist, as long as you're a good person and treat others with respect, we're fine.
Terrible religious b8 m8, some one should assassan8 u for this bad b8. I cannot rel8 or appreci8 this b8, in fact I h8 this b8 and will give it a r8 of .8/8 which is not a gr8 r8 m8. Please don't cre8 anymore bad b8 like this cause it deserves to be met with h8 by all the gr8 m8s who like to r8 b8 with h8.
It's ok to disagree. We can debate simply to educate ourselves on the views of others. The anger is a sign of bigotry emanating from ignorance.
This is actually quiet awesome. As a Christian, you have hit a lot of the main points. And also as a Christian, it's nice for someone with different beliefs to at least recognize some good in it. I get the feeling that a lot of atheist and etc. think Christians are like a cult and hate everyone who doesn't believe. Now there definitely are some Christians like that, but from what I know and see, many Christians (if they have proper and rational beliefs and thought processes) pursue a life of loving everyone equally whether they are believers or not. There is always the argument "So you love those who murder others and -blam!- and blah blah blah" well technically yes. You should "love" them enough to pray for them. Prayer so that their eyes may be opened and they realize the bad things that they are doing. No one is too lost to be saved by God.
I like the order in this thread it's nice
Coming from a Roman Catholic I don't force my religion on anyone. I don't snap at you if you make a god dam it..... If your interested about my religion you will ask me
You, I like you
Finally a religion thread that's not a flame war
Biggest reason why I'm an atheist ( or something ) and somewhat dislike the thought of religion is because they're absolutely innumerable. Either all religions are right, regardless of ignorance stating otherwise because "their religion is right and yours is wrong." And y'know, all conceived deities co-created existence, or their specific demographic of believers at least. Or they're all wrong, just ideas concocted by crazy old dudes. But if I had to choose, I'd side with the Norse. Praise Odin!
Edited by Intelligence: 5/18/2015 11:06:55 PMGoal: The Only Potential is Perfection With this goal achieved there is endless perfection, enjoyment the only change is things get even better. infinity is being created lives and evironments creating better infinity and creating with infinity
I love this post
Outside these forums, I don't debate with people on religious matters because I know that the only way a person will change from an atheist to Christianity is through love not logic. When people debate, they become dogmatic and unmovable. As a Christian, I try to live my life as one for others to see. As an Introvert, I spend my time encouraging and helping other Christians, and answer questions for non-believers.
K[i] [/i]
[quote]Some want to save people from eternal damnation, whether you believe in it or not its still a nice gesture depending on how that is handled[/quote] This is why I still like Colt, despite disagreeing with most of what he says.
I've been seeing a lot of religious mumbo jumbo lately, so I guess I'll put my input on this crap. I personally am a Christian, I may not be a good Christian in many ways, but I'm not a -blam!--bag like lots of Christians are, and I swear to god if some butt-hurt son-of-a bitch starts getting puffy because I said that, jump in front of a got damn train, because you know there are lots of ass wipe Christians that think they're superior. Now, with that said, I think most of everything in the bible is complete and total, 100%, BULL. SHIT. most of the shit in the bible is crap and if you believe it, more power to you, but I don't, because what kind of a God would not allow homosexuality, for example, because not allowing that is not allowing happiness. The bible to me is just to see whom is righteous and will challenge things that they see is clearly wrong, and to single out those who'll actually do something about it and those who blindly follow anything their god says like he isn't wrong. Here's the simplified version You either follow your master like a good dog. Or you challenge everything that you know is wrong. And I guarantee you if you choose the second option, you'll be considered righteous in the eyes of God. With all that said, this has been MY OPINION, I'm not trying to right a new holy book or tell you you're all wrong, because in the end every single person, no matter what they believe in, Is wrong in some way. Also, if this pisses you off in some way as a Christian and you want to leave hateful comments you're contradicting yourself, because even the bible says to love thy neighbor, or some shit along those lines.
Hang on a second, you can't be using logic in a relgious/non-religious thread!!
[url=]What's the matter? Don't you want a balloon?[/url]
For us Christians, salvation is based [i]only[/i] upon our faith that Jesus died to save all of mankind. He told us that it is good to be good to other people, and to show them God's goodness and grace. If more people would follow this, then the world would be a better place.
Your -blam!-ing adding to it retard
I'm not denying that religion has some good in it. However, it's done way more harm than good and you'll know that if you read a history book. I do agree with your list. In theory this is how faith is supposed to work but radicals and bigots ruin it for everyone.
I just don't like how a certain someone on this forum has to lie through his ass to promote it.