Any girls that play Destiny on PS4 add me, we can play raids, strikes and crucible :)
Edit: I am a guy lol A Lot of people mistake me for a girl right now.
Edit 2: The reason i started my name with xX is because i use to play Call of Duty and most clans started with xX so yeah.
Hey everybody ps4 clan recruiting male or female Organization XIII is recruiting for solid PvP players. Tired of having terrible team members who cap A on Blind watch? Tired of getting Thorned all over the place with no backup? Tired of being spawn flipped and losing horribly? Tired of doing all the work in Skirmish? Team members that don't know hiw to revive? Tired of Rumble being too easy? Well look no more, we are small but we like to think that we are skilled enough to take on any challenge. We are also organizing groups for the Trials so if you are in desperate need of a competent team consisting of members that can carry their own weight, we're the clan for YOU! Message me or add me on psn - LoknLoad1991