*we get to the bottom of the mountain*
Alright! It's gunna get a little chilly!
You set?
*sneezes* sure *tusn on hsi inner oven to aovid orgna freezing*
Sal? Are...you getting a cold?
remember that 30 degrees is cold for me
Ha! The big man got a cold!
MArs is nromally at 58 celsius
Oh...poor baby... He likes his warm planet... [spoiler]teasing is obviously teasing[/spoiler]
yeha leik warm hugs *bear hugs iwht mroe strnght each second* hwo you leike m *gets trogner every second*
GURK! Ok! You win!
*lets go* nwo where do we go?
*looks up* ....There... ....your not afraid of heights either are you?
*grabs you* DRAGON JUMP! *performs an Upercut laucnhign hsimelf intot eh air whiel hodlign you*
WHOOOAAAAAA!!!! *flying up. Out of nowhere we are hit by a chunk of ice. And we fall on a winter path* Damn! I guess the cold doesn't like you either! [spoiler]Kind of wanted to walk up. Like the 7,000 steps in SKYRIM.[/spoiler]
*stands up* -blam!- cold then. *breaths* BLAST BRREATH! *exhales generting a exploton in fron of him*
Huh. *the mountain trembles* Not a good idea Sal!!! *an avalanche comes down*
*puts you intot eh ground* *sumons a hsield and places it ove rboth of us holdign the avalnceh onmy shoulders*
Damn Sal! *the snow rushes above us* The cold REALLY Doesn't like you! [spoiler]wanna continue this tomorrow?[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Sure[/spoiler] i know..... *keeps holding the avalnche*
*the Avalanche let's up* Sheesh! That was crazy!
yeha lets get going
*we walk up the path. And we see a troll in our way!* Damnit. Don't let him get to you!!! [i]YOLO[/i] But the eight...he really is a troll!
*bashes him into the ground casue he aint got time for hsi shit* MARGRAVE GUILLOTINE! *jumps into the air and smashes the shields bottom inot his neck*
*another troll try's to jump on you but I hookblade him and throw him off the cliff* There! Let's keep walking EH?
yes* unstucks the shield of the trolls neck and keeps walking*
*we reach a part where we need to walk across a small ledge* Oh boy
*unsummons the sheild and repalce it with akimbo daggers and sue em to climb across*