As an atheist I wanted to say a few good things about Christianity (because thats mostly what is debated here Christian vs Atheist).
Personally I am not anti-theist, religion is supposed to be a good thing but considering its all a belief system leaves it open for interpretation which results in almost anything. The below doesn't apply to everyone. I still don't believe it as i clarified that I'm atheist but there are a lot of good people out there that are religious. I just wanted to shed a good light on it as some christian users on here have been making some pretty outrageous post that I am noticing many other Christians disagree with.
1) Comforting when stressed to any degree for some
2) Sense of security, as far as God is always there for you
3) At its core [b][u]it's suppose[/u][/b] to promote love for all
4) Some want to save people from eternal damnation, whether you believe in it or not its still a nice gesture depending on how that is handled
5) Guide to morality and happiness
Extremist and simple mindedness are the reasons I hate labels. People generally only associate negative ideas with any label. Whether it be politics/religion/race/etc, its the simple mindedness of many, to not see people as an individual but rather just the stereotypes of the label. Extremist tend to create those labels. My girlfriend and I honestly don't even like calling ourselves Christian (her) & atheist (me) because if you talk to someone who doesn't know you 9 times out of 10 their just going to assume the negatives about what you label yourself (unless their the same label as you).
Outside these forums, I don't debate with people on religious matters because I know that the only way a person will change from an atheist to Christianity is through love not logic. When people debate, they become dogmatic and unmovable. As a Christian, I try to live my life as one for others to see. As an Introvert, I spend my time encouraging and helping other Christians, and answer questions for non-believers.