Like many of you, I spent countless hours this weekend grinding the "wolves" events in search of treasure keys. It was fun for about the first hour or two... but after that it was irritating beyond belief.
I found 2 keys and 2 legendary engrams.... and a shit ton of blue engrams.
I can't believe they actually thought this would be a good idea or fun for us players. HoW isn't even out yet and I'm already feeling completely let down. The mindless idiocy of running back and forth between 2 spots on a map... fighting the same fight over and over and opening chest after disappointing chest.... is this a sign of what the rest of the DLC is going to be like?
I'm sure many of you will disagree with me and that's likely because these forums are filled with a lot of people who will be fans of the game no matter how much it goes to shit.
Anyway... If I'm doing a patrol bounty and stumble across a wolf event, I'll stop and do it... but beyond that... I'm DONE with that tedious grind!
9 keys, 8 legendary engrams. RNG loves me. 😍
The whole game is like this since the beginning.
Yup for the guys that have max keys all they did was maximize the let down its going to be. Sit back enjoy it. I hope rng knows where your keys came from and gives you piss all. Myself I have two keys in sure they will give something of craptastic value
I had fun, got some keys and had some laughs. I'll keep doing it if they keep it the way it is now. Plenty of materials, heavy/special synths, and an odd key here and there (got 3), plus a few legendary engrams besides a boatload of blues. I don't see what's to be mad about. Don't do it if you don't like it.
Remember, it was YOUR choice to grind :)
12 keys and 9 legendaries
You mad bruh?
Ever heard of pacing yourself?
You CAN do these events, you don't have to. You know that right??
Reading these posts it sounds like people are expecting Destiny after House of Wolves to be a completely different game. It's going to be the [i]same[/i] grind. The [i]same[/i] loot, the [i]same[/i] experience, with different skins. I used the torch cannon yesterday and just went "nope, time to play something else". I don't know why I was expecting a new weapon to be super awesome or game changing, but I was still incredibly disappointed.
You don't need the keys anyway, it only allows you to run prison of elders as many times per week as long as you have a key. If you have 3 characters you'll already be running through it 9 times a week. You don't need to do it more than that
I don't want to assume, but are you aware that you don't have to grind to get keys? You can get them by completing your first HoW activity every week. Basically, grinding gives you more chances. You don't have to do it and still have the chance at the same rewards as those who do (just not as many).
I partially agree, it def gets repetitive but knowing what the keys are for makes it worth it to me at least. I'd rather grind for keys now as opposed to waiting till after HoW comes out when I could be running PoE and ToO [spoiler]grinded Saturday night and a good part of Sunday, ended up with 6 keys and 8 legendaries[/spoiler]
20 keys and 15 legendaries. 20 is the max you can possibly have, unless they go to the postmaster afterwards.
Swap it up a bit between this and crucible trust me
Idfk what the keys even do, and really don't care.
Got 9 :)