My birthday is in a week and I'll be getting an Xbox One soon. However, all my friends will still be on 360, and I rarely play with randoms on Destiny so I won't be used to not having my friends with me in raids, etc.
My xbox 360 is dying, I've been having a lot of technical problems recently which is also a big reason why I'm upgrading. I might have to roll solo now, so any advice on how to get maximum pleasure and enjoyment from playing with myself instead of rolling with the same group of friends 24/7?
Also, does anyone know if fisting with the titan will do void/arc damage? Because my old Crota armor set had all strength (I shit you not, 530-ish strength, 0 intel/disc.) so I always ran around fisting my enemies. I want to know for nightfalls because if I try to fist a dreg or something and he doesn't go down on me in one fist, I'm gonna have a bad day.
My advice for playing with your self [spoiler]lube[/spoiler] [spoiler]porn[/spoiler] [spoiler]tissues[/spoiler]