Due to to high level of skill required in the Crucible, matchmaking should not be allowed. The reasons for removing Crucible matchmaking are endless, but here are a few...
That's right, you might get matched up with a guardian who doesn't even participate. There go your chances of winning.
[u][b]No Mics?!?![/b][/u]
Imagine getting thrown in with someone who refuses to communicate through voice chat... Completing any objectives or achieving the team-play necessary to win would be virtually impossible!
[b][u]Too Difficult[/u][/b]
Lets be real... This is the most difficult activity in Destiny. A human opponent will always be infinitely more deadly than vex/fallen/etc... Let alone 6 human opponents! An uncoordinated (matchmade) team has no chance.
I don't think I need to continue.
Besides all of that... [b]WHAT IS SO HARD ABOUT FINDING FRIENDS TO PLAY WITH?![/b] Are you such a bad person that [i][b][u]nobody[/u][/b][/i] will play with you???
There are plenty of ways to make friends and recruit Crucible fireteams. Go to the Recruitment page on the Forums or that LFG website.
[b][u]QUIT BEING LAZY[/u][/b]
You want coordination between the people on your fireteam and you talk later in your post about finding crucible teams from recruitment area of LFG? Are you kidding me your an idiot.