I'm Putting A Trials Team Together, You Will Be Given 5 Games To Show Me How Skilled You Are And To See If You Can Keep Up With Our Upcoming Alliance. For A Try Out Message iForgetful Requesting A Tryout. I Will Message Back Shortly. Looking Foward To Making This All Happen.
Need 2 34s for trails that can hold their own
Croat hard fresh 33+ must have a mic. Same as above
Need 2 for trials. Message for invite
Doing ToO must have been flawless b4 msg 4 inv gt is same as above
Hi warlock 34 looking for good player to help me get flawless or at least 5 wins i ve got thorn Gt on 360 Kharmi Nux
Looking for a team who believes they can communicate and not be heroes costing the team the match. Need two who are skilled as well as making plans and sticking to it. All guns are good but it means nothing if you can't or hesitate to take your target down. No kids. I'm sorry but that's what I don't need right now. I need people who knows how to hold their own and keep the team alive. I can pull my own weight. Msg gt same as above. This is for trials obviously. Flawless.
Need one for a flawless run, no squeakers, no heros, be good
Willing to help any 34s with a KD of 1.15 or higher in trials. Send me UR Kd To know that u want an inv.
Need one for trials must be level 34 and max weapon must have gone flawless need emblem as proof
Looking for a good trials team, you don't have to be flawless you just be able to hold your own, we do happen to get a loss you must want to keep going for the rewards, message Battleisamazing for a inv
Need 2 for Trials! Must be lvl 34 with flawless, mic and be good! Message LOZ MIESTER for an inv
Edited by RainingSky4: 8/17/2015 2:38:51 PMNeed 2 more for trials, going flawless gt same msg for inv only if you can help. I already have 6 wins.
Warlock 34 looking for help in Trials on 360 gt Kharmi Nux
Hey guys I'm looking to go flawless must be 34 and have gone flawless with emblem to prove message me for an invite
Need two for trials. Please know what you're doing. GT same
Looking for toO team for flawless must've gone flawless before, invite me in game or message me and I'll invite , gt same as above
Go watch nikasaurusisawesome on Twitch! http://twitch.tv/nikasaurusisawesome (PLAYING DESTINY) FUN TIMES
[i] ALL 5 GOLDEN CHESTS ON MOON (UNLOCKS A NEW VEHICLE)!! http://youtu.be/_4j3I4bvcg4 [/i]
Need one 34 for trials, must be good and hold your own, msg zwrw for inv
Edited by TheUnknownDeaths: 8/17/2015 1:13:59 PMNeed 1 34 Warlock self-res for Trials. Need mic Message destroyer D5000 for invite
need one more good 34 for trials
Need 2 for flawless trials. Be good. Please help.
[b][u]TRIALS OF OSIRIS[/u][/b] Need 2 level 34sthat are actually good with max weapons. I'm a 34 Titan with max weapons so message FurryMushroom for invite XD
34 hunter with 365 guns gt splitassassin09 xbox360 1.5kd I need a team of experts in to0
1 for trials 34+ Max guns Good at PvP Gt BROTHER Stylez
Need 1 for trials msg gt above for inv