I'm Putting A Trials Team Together, You Will Be Given 5 Games To Show Me How Skilled You Are And To See If You Can Keep Up With Our Upcoming Alliance. For A Try Out Message iForgetful Requesting A Tryout. I Will Message Back Shortly. Looking Foward To Making This All Happen.
need one for trials 33 or 34
34 Hunter going to go flawless. Need 2 people who have gone flawless many times and have proof. Also, know the map well. Gt: Sc0rpi0n314
Need 1 for flawless. Must be 34 with maxed weapons. Msg ximmor7alelitex
Looking to do trials of osiris must be 34 have a good pvp expirence in trials, have max weapons, looking to go flawless, must be willing to communicate message me on 360 for invite
Need 1 for Trials. Just need to be 34. Looking to have fun. If we go flawless. awesome if not oh well. Msg for invite
34 warlock 2.0 KD over 30+ flawless runs NO MIC willing to help guardians reach the lighthouse GT Wwalker03
[quote]LOOKING FOR TWO SKILLED PLAYERS FOR TRIALS!! You must have gonna flawless plenty of times and know what you are doing also be chill and have a mic for communication. Don't message me if you suck and can't hold your own we won't be carrying. Message me if you think you would like to join us in a 9-0. Gamertag is same as above Must haves-lvl 34, max weapons, flawless many times, mic, skill. First come first serve![/quote]
Need 1 for trials have to have gone flawless and have good weapons also a positive kd Xbox 360 message XTF shadows need 1 sunsinger
Edited by dSnakeEyes: 8/16/2015 1:33:59 AMNeed one more experienced player to go flawless in ToO. Must be able to carry your own. Grimoire score must be 3300+ GT same as user
ToO need one more person Need to be lv.34 You must have gone flawless at lest more than once and need emblem for proof Must have good guns that are 365. We are not carrying! If you do not meet are requirements you will be kicked and no squeakers! Gt same
ToO need one more person Need to be lv.34 You must have gone flawless at lest more than once and need emblem for proof Must have good guns that are 365. We are not carrying! If you do not meet are requirements you will be kicked and no squeakers! Gt same
Need for trials have to have gone flawless and have good weapons also a positive kd Xbox 360 message XTF shadows need 1 sunsinger
Edited by I Th3 Legend: 8/15/2015 11:28:30 PMlvl 33 with 1.6 trials kdr very skilled but no mic inv deducibledeer i have gona flawless many times
Need 1 must have gone flawless before (we have been flawless plenty of times)
Need a warlock for trials you have to have emblems if you don't you get kicked
Need 2 for Trials, all I ask is be good, good weapons, have gone flawless before and have a mic(no kinect), I'm trying to go flawless again, message me for invite, GT: Aecros (don't be no cocky punk or I'll kick you)
Need 2 for trials need flawless no bullshit message me gt XxDRUGMAN97xX must be 34 Max weapons
Looking for people for trials I have gone flawless 8 times I'm looking for skilled experience players (I'm tired of caring people),we are going to go flawless msg this gt xXDUVALxEPICXx[
ToO need 1 Flawless 2+ 34 Emblem Preferably Titan or warlock
Anybody wanna run some trials
Looking to go flawless? So am I, what a coincidence! I have thorn and the last word but I choose to use jewel of osiris (adept) although I have no problem using either of the forementioned weapons. I have an eye of sol for long range and a party crasher for close range. I have both a machine gun and rocket launcher at 365 and if im using jewel as primary i more than likely have gjally for that heavy round. I have all 3 types of characters at 34 but I play better with my warlock. Many pieces of exotic armor so not all of them are at 42 light yet, soon though! Send me an inv on 360, GT same as above!! I have a mic and know how to use it as well XD
Need two 34s with good weapons for trials need to have been flawless before I have been 28 times Msg TNT Sourcerer
Need 1 trials of Osiris be good going for flawless get baseb8all42
34 Hunter hosting ToO looking for 2 lv34's to try going flawless.. If not at least get gold tier..... Gt Whalers23 "" message on 360 for inv I sadly can't talk but can hear ._. (Dog ate the mic I hope thus doesn't break the deal ^
Need 2 for Trials, all I ask is be good, good weapons, have gone flawless before and have a mic(no kinect), I'm trying to go flawless again, message me for invite, GT: Aecros (don't be no cocky punk or I'll kick you)
Need 1 for trials, must have flawless emblem. Message for invite gt starts with a lowercase L