I'm Putting A Trials Team Together, You Will Be Given 5 Games To Show Me How Skilled You Are And To See If You Can Keep Up With Our Upcoming Alliance. For A Try Out Message iForgetful Requesting A Tryout. I Will Message Back Shortly. Looking Foward To Making This All Happen.
Need 2 tryhards .trying to go flawless .must be good and have flawless emblem message for invite gt starts with a lowercase L
Need 2 tryhards .trying to go flawless .must be good and have flawless emblem message for invite gt starts with a lowercase L
Need two people for trials must be level 34 with exotic emblem on xbox 360 message for invite my name is MaverickShip844 preferably warlock or hunter sorry my mic is broken but will be getting one soon ( by next week )
Looking to run Trials to go flawless. I've done flawless in my titan and warlock this week but need help with my hunter. I can hold my own. Gt same as above
Need 1 for trials. Gt is the same
Need 1 for a quick flawless run message for invite only if youre good
Need 1 more for trials be good we r checking stats
Need 1 really good player for a flawless trials run. Must be good or booted
ALL 5 GOLDEN CHESTS ON MOON (UNLOCKS A NEW VEHICLE)!! http://youtu.be/_4j3I4bvcg4
Need 1 for trials of osiris, need to be good and have mic. For invite: GT: XGN FATAL FURY
Need 1 for a quick flawless run message for invite only if youre good
Need 2 to go flawless, I have been 8-1 countless times and I need a good team with good weapons who can help me go 9-0. I am a 34 voidwalker Warlock with good sniping skills. If you are really good in trials message InfinityGamerUK for an invite :)
Need 1 tryhard .trying to go flawless .must be good and have flawless emblem message for invite gt starts with a lowercase L
Looking for one player must be 34 Maxed weapons Know what they are doing Must have communication Must have been flawless multiple times GT same as above
Looking to join anyone in trials. 34 warlock with Max weapons. Gt same as above
lvl 33 with 1.8 trials kdr very skilled but no mic inv deducibledeer
One more for trials Gt same
Edited by fluffly805: 8/9/2015 7:03:36 AM(Xbox 360) Anyone willing to help me to go flawless in trials I'm a level 33 warlock GT:fluffly805
Need 2 for ToO . Going to try flawless if not then 8 wins. Must be good Gone flawless at least 2x (proof) Gt is RawrDynasty
Need 1 tryhard .trying to go flawless .must be good and have flawless emblem message for invite gt starts with a lowercase L
Looking for one player to go flawless must be 34 with maxed weapons and must know what they are doing GT is the same as above
Looking to do trails in experienced an want to go flawless if you are experienced I just don't want to waste my time not being a dick gt the same
Need 1 tryhard .trying to go flawless .must be good and have flawless emblem message for invite gt starts with a lowercase L
Need 1 tryhard .trying to go flawless .must be good and have flawless emblem message for invite gt starts with a lowercase L
Need 1 gotta be 34 and have a mic for toO gamertag impossiblekills
https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/1162345 Primal Kings is recruiting Must have 1.2 kd Must be able to carry your own Msg for tryouts or if you have above 1.4 you don't have too Must have mic Xbox 360