I'm Putting A Trials Team Together, You Will Be Given 5 Games To Show Me How Skilled You Are And To See If You Can Keep Up With Our Upcoming Alliance. For A Try Out Message iForgetful Requesting A Tryout. I Will Message Back Shortly. Looking Foward To Making This All Happen.
Need 2 people to help me go 9-0 in trials so u have to h e gone 9-0 not carried so thx if u join
Need 2 people to help me go 9-0 in trials so u have to h e gone 9-0 not carried so thx if u join
Need two 34s who have maxed weapons and flawless emblem to do trials Must have 1.0 kd in trials Msg gt above
Looking for ONE more for trials. We are 2- 34 Sunsinger Warlocks looking for a third person with good communication and plays as a team. We have gone flawless multiple times. Need a mic and ability to communicate and plan! And have some fun!
Trials 360 need 1 with skill to help me go flawless
Need two for trials must have gone flawless and must have good weapons if doing poor I will replace you or myself
Solo Warlock looking for a [B]Flawless Carry[/B] in Trials. Please invite me if you need one more player and [B]CAN[/B] carry me. [B]Level:[/B] 34 [B]Gamertag:[/B] cdcMully ([I]XB1[/I]) Can hold my own. Great weapons and gear.
Need 2 34s that have been flawless and that can hold their own for trials msg TNT Sourcerer for inv
Need 2 people to help me go 9-0 in trials so u have to h e gone 9-0 not carried so thx if u join
Need 2 34s that have been flawless and that can hold their own for trials msg TNT Sourcerer for inv
Looking for a team to try flawless. I am a 34 warlock. Gt is cnwk x preston
Need 1 with good kd ratio for trials message in game for invite gt qidebondt
Need 1 for Trials (Have good gear)
Lookimg for a team of trials to go flawless Must be 34+ Have mic Experienced and must have upgraded weapons
Need to be carried Never gone flawless but have gone 5-3 with no buffs Have max thorn and max the ram Have another guy that had gone flawless a while ago Xbox 360 Gt same Msg me for invite
Need 1 for trials Must of went flawless before Can carry own weight 34+ Message xPatoHD
Need 1 for ToO, lvl 34 must be decent, but don't need to have gone flawless before GT above
I'm looking for people that wants to do trials but ima be using my brothers account....his character are 32 but I can hold myself Message me on here Or My brothers his gt:TruuBoiiJordan
Need 1 warlock for trials
2 for trials of osiris must have gone 7-0+ and 32 with maxed weponds gt TuskedThread736
2 for trials of osiris must have gone 7-0+ and 32 with maxed weponds
34 hunter high KD NO MIC over 20 flawless runs. NO MIC but willing to help GT Wwalker03
Need 2 for ToO message Doct0r K
Lookimg for a team of trials to go flawless Must be 34+ Have mic Experienced and must have upgraded weapons
Need two for trails no scrubs and flawless emblem for proof message me gamer tag is the same name
Need one for trials.. skilled player.. must have mic. Gt mimseey for inv