I'm Putting A Trials Team Together, You Will Be Given 5 Games To Show Me How Skilled You Are And To See If You Can Keep Up With Our Upcoming Alliance. For A Try Out Message iForgetful Requesting A Tryout. I Will Message Back Shortly. Looking Foward To Making This All Happen.
Need 1 for trials, flawless emblem required. Gamertag: Jaxzmode Send msg for invite
Edited by ANGEL22Z: 7/25/2015 7:39:27 PMLooking for two good players to complete Trials. I dont care going flawless, I just want the boots and the weapon of this week and I know many of you want them too. I have experience (my kill ratio is 1.5), max weaponry, lv 34 all classes, and the will to win. I dont have mic. Send a message to the same gt as above for an invite thanks and good luck.
Need 2 34 only for trials Must have gone flawless before ( have proof) Must have good maxed weapons Must be able to communicate Message gt above for inv
Please I need 2 people who are excellent and have gone flawless before. I have been trying to get flawless all day but every group I have been with suck gt is same send message for inv
Please I need 2 people who are excellent and have gone flawless before. I have been trying to get flawless all day but every group I have been with suck gt is same send message for inv
Looking for two good players to complete Trials. I dont care going flawless, I just want the boots and the weapon of this week and I know many of you want them too. I have experience (my kill ratio is 1.5), max weaponry, lv 34 all classes, and the will to win, I have mic but I dont use it cause why I want to hear your screams of where the other team is if I know how to read the radar. Send a message to the same gt as above for an invite thanks and good luck.
Edited by Sun Ting Long: 7/25/2015 7:38:15 PMNeed 2 Very Good Players for Trials Message me for Invite GT: Vendetta RC -Must be 34 -Must have Mic -Must have been flawless before (need proof) Will be checking stats! Only looking for players that want to go flawless Status: Still Looking for players
Need 2 34 only for trials Must have gone flawless before ( have proof) Must have good maxed weapons Must be able to communicate Message gt above for inv
Looking for one more level 34 that is good to do trials Msg SeaP VxZi.
Looking for two good players to complete Trials. I dont care going flawless, I just want the boots and the weapon of this week and I know many of you want them too. I have experience (my kill ratio is 1.5), max weaponry, lv 34 all classes, and the will to win, I have mic but I dont use it cause why I want to hear your screams of where the other team is if I know how to read the radar. Send a message to the same gt as above for an invite thanks and good luck.
Some one amazing please help, been trying trials all day and yesterday, but my teams are all ways terrible so if your amazing at trials and will help me go flawless this week that would be insane, I'm not a dead weight I've been flawless 9 times but this week sucks messege me venom corp
Need a trials team 34 hunter thorn/mythoclast been flawless before msg if you need 1 more
Looking for two good players to complete Trials. I dont care going flawless, I just want the boots and the weapon of this week and I know many of you want them too. I have experience (my kill ratio is 1.5), max weaponry, lv 34 all classes, and the will to win, I have mic but I dont use it cause why I want to hear your screams of where the other team is if I know how to read the radar. Send a message to the same gt as above for an invite thanks and good luck.
Need 2 for trials GT:same plx have mic
Looking for a good trials team. Must be good, have the exotic emblem, max weapons and a mic. GT: LIVINREKLESS007
Looking to go flawless Must be 34 Must have experience Must have mic Must communicate Gt Iniquity Hydra
Looking to go flawless Must be 34 Must have experience Must have mic Must communicate Gt Iniquity Hydra
Need 1 for 35 poe mic and max wepons
I have been flawless 7+ times Looking for warlocks or titans Must be level 34 Must have gone flawless Must be good Have a mic Message LEGEND IS HEERx
Need 2 for trails Gt-Kingjal21
Looking for one player to do trials must have emblem and be a good crucible Player message online for game invite
Gunslinger here looking to go flawless again -must have mic to communicate effectively -34 only with useful armor -must have gone flawless before or at least be really good at pvp -hold your own and make smart plays Message gt above for invite
ed 2 for flawless run.... yes flawless I see every like "going flawless" when really there not. I need people that are mote skilled then every one else. 3200+ grimore 8+ flawless wins let's not fool around and just get this done message venom corp
Need 1 for trials. Looking to go flawless. MUST have mic, max weapons, expierence, good KD. gone flawless and have emblem.
ed 2 for flawless run.... yes flawless I see every like "going flawless" when really there not. I need people that are mote skilled then every one else. 3200+ grimore 8+ flawless wins let's not fool around and just get this done message venom corp
Looking for one person to do trials, We arent looking to carry anyone, just getting our lighthouse rewards for the week Message lolx2G