I'm Putting A Trials Team Together, You Will Be Given 5 Games To Show Me How Skilled You Are And To See If You Can Keep Up With Our Upcoming Alliance. For A Try Out Message iForgetful Requesting A Tryout. I Will Message Back Shortly. Looking Foward To Making This All Happen.
I'm a lvl 34 warlock, and 4-1, need help to atleast get 5 wins, but I can keep going past that, please send invite , GT. BIOFLIOD
if anyone is helping people go flawless please help me out i have max guns GT: RV5 KraZz
Need 1 34 who has gone flawless and is very good for flawless trials
Need 1 34 for trials message for invite
Edited by FearlessCheerio: 7/20/2015 11:33:06 PM34 on titan and warlock good with both , wanting to go flawless , you need to have a mic and be good flawless or close to it same gt
Need One For Trials Have A Mic Also Be 34 Looking for 9-0 so have experience
Need 2for trials, no scrubs! Msg on xbox for inv
Need 2 34 for flawless trials and you must have gone flawless and be good because I need 6 wins without losing
Looking for two players who have gone flawless on trials. Must be 34. Message me for invite. Gt same as above.
Need one more person to do trials need to be 34 Gt same
34 flawless Hunter/Titan looking for a flawless warlock with plenty of experience and plays well with a team. Have max weapons and an exotic hand cannon please, message me on game for invite.
Need 1 for trials. Must be able to hold your own Msg: underarm0ur
Looking for 2 for trials must have gone flawless and have good guns
[b][u]trials of osiris[/u][/b] •use any gun your comfortable with •you [b]dont[/b] need the flawless emblem •no real requirements •i just want to play •gt:[b]pls dunt ban me[/b]
Need 2 for trials, no scrubs! Msg on xbox for inv
34 hunter need two for trials. Please have gone flawless
Looking to join a team going flawless I've been flawless 1 this week GT same
Need one for trials gt spooniestelk
Need a group for trials to go 9-0
I'm a 34 hunter with maxed weapons and have experience in trials, I'm looking for 1 more players to run trials with that have gone flawless before, must have mic, must have gone flawless, NO sqeakers! Message for invite
If you want help getting flawless, go to my stream and follow me, I will randomly pick people to help throughout trials! Http://twitch.tv/Ryanmmoreno
Still looking for a team who uses teamwork instead of a lone wolf mentality. I have a mic and use it. Let's get to the lighthouse GT kozmik13
lvl 34 hunter have gone flawless before.. Looking for decent trials team.. Msg for invite or just invite me
lvl 34 hunter have gone flawless before.. Looking for decent trials team.. Msg for invite or just invite me
-Doing Trials!! -Must be 34 -Must have great weapons -Must have been flawless before -Must be great at crucible -Msg for in GT is same as username! *Ok looks like some people don't know what this means so I will explain* Don't Die: Ok so what I mean by this is dont die over and over again sure you might die here and there and I don't expect you to be perfect. Get a positive K/D: Ok I know this sounds pointless but it's really not great players have some sort of kills be it by a grenade or a super don't just stand there and let your teammates carry you Be Mature: I don't catalog maturity by age I catalog as if you take the game seriously don't run around like a chicken shooting a no land beyond. Ps: I am very strict about these rules so if you don't cut it you are out.
Looking to do trail one spot left not picky Msg me for inv gt same