I'm Putting A Trials Team Together, You Will Be Given 5 Games To Show Me How Skilled You Are And To See If You Can Keep Up With Our Upcoming Alliance. For A Try Out Message iForgetful Requesting A Tryout. I Will Message Back Shortly. Looking Foward To Making This All Happen.
Trials of Osiris Trying to go flawless - have gone flawless before - be 34 - have maxed weapons/good weapons - have mic - No squeakers Message gt above
Need 2 for trials looking to go flawless. You must be able to hold your own, msg gt above for inv
34 warlock, maxed sunsinger, with maxed purifier robes, Maxed thorn, the last word, Party crasher +1, tomorrow's answer. Looking to go 9-0 GT spartanman93 Xbox 360.
Need 1 for flawless must be able to hold your own. Not carrying anyone
Doing Trials of Osiris Xbox 360, must have gone flawless before (need emblem don't lie) need mic and experience, must be a lvl 34, gt same as above
34 warlock, maxed sunsinger, with maxed purifier robes, Maxed thorn, the last word, Party crasher +1, tomorrow's answer. Looking to go 9-0 GT spartanman93 Xbox 360.
Looking for a team for trials that has experience and is willing to let me in. I'm a 33 Titan with Thorn, it will be my first time but PvP comes natural to me so I should be able to hold my own. It would be nice to go flawless but I'm really just looking for at least 5 wins.
Doing Trials of Osiris Xbox 360, must have gone flawless before (need emblem don't lie) need mic and experience, must be a lvl 34, gt same as above
Need 2 to help me get flawless Msg KingJackRyan
[u]Trials of Osiris[/u] [b]Requirements[/b] -34 [b]ONLY[/b] -Must have been flawless [i]at least twice[/i] -Must have 365 weapons -Must have mic and great communication -Should be able to hold your own weight Msg : [i]Zaykohh[/i] for an invite
Need 1 for trials msg for invite
Need 2 more for flawless. -must have a mic -must be level 34 -must have the exotic emblem -must be experienced -must have maxed weapons Message me for an invite GT: f1reb1rd15
Need two for trials must have been flawless gt same as above
Looking for a decent trials team, I have a 365 thorn/last word and shotgun/sniper. I'm a 34 warlock or hunter decent with both. Have been flawless before invite me!
Need 1 34 for trials. Have thorn and be good. Don't lie! I will check your profile. We have gone flawless quite a few times! Gt: xBruno666
Need two for trials must have been flawless gt same as above
Need one more for trials
Trials team must be 34 and have gone flawless before
Looking for two who've been flawless who'd like to go again. GT same as above.
Hosting flawless trials message to invite. Must be 34. Gt same as above
Need two for trials must have been flawless gt same as above
Lf 1 good player for trials I'll be checking kdr gt same as name
Need 1 34 for trials. Have thorn and be good. Don't lie! I will check your profile. Gt: xBruno666
Need two for trials must have been flawless gt same as above
Need 1 for trials, no scrubs! Msg on xbox for inv
Doing Trials of Osiris Xbox 360, must have gone flawless before (need emblem don't lie) need mic and experience, must be a lvl 34, gt same as above