I'm Putting A Trials Team Together, You Will Be Given 5 Games To Show Me How Skilled You Are And To See If You Can Keep Up With Our Upcoming Alliance. For A Try Out Message iForgetful Requesting A Tryout. I Will Message Back Shortly. Looking Foward To Making This All Happen.
Need 2 for lvl 32 Poe 34+ msg me for inv
Look to go flawless in trials. Need 1 person who is 34 and has gone flawless before. Also have maxed weapons. Gt: Sc0rpi0n314
I am a titan need a hunter and a warlock need then went to flawless and know what they are doing
need 1 hunter for trials msg gt for invite we both have gone flawless
Need 2 more for trials must be good and experienced + maxed guns message me - joshmaybegray96
Need 2 more for flawless. -must have a mic -must be level 34 -must have the exotic emblem -must be experienced -must have maxed weapons Message me for an invite GT: f1reb1rd15
Looking for a team to join message me for inv. Gt: same as above.
Hello, I am looking for 2 very! skilled pvp players to go flawless with in the trials of osiris (: Requirements: 365 Weapons A Microphone Have Gone Flawless Before -Message: Sorrowhs
Need one for trials message for invt, must have gone flawless and have lots of experience.
Lookin for 2 peeps to run the trials. Msg for invite. Gt same as above.
Edited by FaTaLxSh0Tz IV: 7/18/2015 6:01:53 PMDoing trials of Osiris message for invite. Must have gone flawless before. Only one spot left
I have 1 other player with me we need to do trials we are skilled looking for skilled players
Need one for trials lv33 or above msg for inv don't need mic
Invite me for a serious flawless trials run must have the emblem so I know you've been No scrubs, I'll check kd so I know you haven't been carried I'm a 34 hunter, with all 365 weapons
need one more for trials have two hunters already. Gt same as above msg me
Need 2for trials, no scrubs.I have gone flawless 3+ Times every week. Msg on xbox for inv
Need 2 for trials who are good at pvp as I will not carry and must have gone flawless before. Don't care what guns you use but be good with them. Mic should be used for specific communicating Message gt above for invite
Trials of Osiris. Must have 1.2+ kd and been flawless. Message for invite. Gt Henry199918
We are 2 34 Warlocks looking for a 34 for some Osiris. GT same as above
Doing trials of Osiris lvl 34 only Gamertag: MC Buckweed 17 Send me a message Xbox 360 only!!! Must have been to the lighthouse as not carrying anyone and must been good at PVP
We are 2 34 Warlocks looking for a 34 for some Osiris. GT same as above
Need 2 skilled pvp players for trials Msg AirxJordanzz for inv
need 2 for trials lvl 34 must be good & good communication plus a mic too msg gt: sinful beautyy
34 hunter high KD over 20 flawless runs. NO MIC but willing to help GT Wwalker03
Doing Trials of Osiris Xbox 360, must have gone flawless before (need emblem don't lie) need mic and experience, must be a lvl 34, gt same as above
Need two amazing trials guys that have gone flawless aiming for 6 wins