I'm Putting A Trials Team Together, You Will Be Given 5 Games To Show Me How Skilled You Are And To See If You Can Keep Up With Our Upcoming Alliance. For A Try Out Message iForgetful Requesting A Tryout. I Will Message Back Shortly. Looking Foward To Making This All Happen.
need one for trials must be 34 with exotic emblem need a hunter msg gt for invite
Looking for one more for trials
I am looking for people to carry me. I will try to pull my own weight with 365 weapons, but I will be my lvl 34 Titan, who barely has Striker upgraded and a very very close to max blinding bubble. Please message me if interested, I will begin at 6:30 EST (Eastern Time)
Need 4 for crota normal, msg gt above for inv
Need a 34 for trials
Trials of Osiris Requirements: •be 34 •have a mic •365 weapons •experience (I did over 20 times flawless) (dont suck) Gt:DGx SniPZzz
Need 1 for trails -Must be lvl 34 -Must be skilled in crucible -Must have mic Gt same as above Message for invite
Need 2 for trials trying to go flawless message x2Face Gorilla for inv need to be experienced
Looking for two people to go flawless with. Be good and have weapons and gear that you are comfortable using. Be 34
Need one more player for trials must be skilled msg for invite
Need 1 experienced player for trials. Helping my friend out since its his first time in trials. Msg for inv
Need two 34s for a flawless trails run Gamer tag: raccoonbro01
Need 1 experienced player for trials. Helping my friend, it's his first time in trials. Msg for inv
I'm a 34 Titan I need one to two more decent players for trials, I've been flawless message ScrubLordSwager for invite or you can invite me to your game
I need a warlock and Titan that have gone flawless before for trials. Gt ^
Level 34 Hunter Inv me Looking to flawless Please have a positive k/d Gt: G3 PRoLiFiC
Need 1 for trials msg for invite
Need 2 people, I've gone flawless, you don't need to have gone flawless but you have to be decent and not be a burden. Have maxed weapons please. Message me!
Need 1 lvl 34 for ToO. Going flawless
Need two for trials Msg on Xbox Gt same Be 34
Need one one level 34 to help me get 8 wins in trials message for invite gt above on 360
Need 2 for trials msg for invite
[quote][quote][b][u]RUNNING FLAWLESS[/u][/b] [b]*•*Need Maxed Exotics*•*[/b] [b]*•*LvL34 Required*•*[/b] [b]*•*Must Be Experienced With Trials*•*[/b] [b][u]Note: Don't Suck![/u][/b] [b]*•*Gamertag: Plasify *•*[/b] [b] [b]*•*>>>Xbox 360<<<*•*[/b] [b][u]•••Sniping Skills Is Preferred•••[/u][/b] [b][i][u]~~~EXPERIENCED~~~[/u][/b][i] [b][i]Note: If you haven't gone flawless and don't have maxed weapons and don't me the requirements than don't message[/i][/b][/quote][/quote]
[quote][quote][b][u]RUNNING FLAWLESS[/u][/b] [b]*•*Need Maxed Exotics*•*[/b] [b]*•*LvL34 Required*•*[/b] [b]*•*Must Be Experienced With Trials*•*[/b] [b][u]Note: Don't Suck![/u][/b] [b]*•*Gamertag: Plasify *•*[/b] [b] [b]*•*>>>Xbox 360<<<*•*[/b] [b][u]•••Sniping Skills Is Preferred•••[/u][/b] [b][i][u]~~~EXPERIENCED~~~[/u][/b][i] [b][i]Note: If you haven't gone flawless and don't have maxed weapons and don't me the requirements than don't message[/i][/b][/quote][/quote]
Im recruiting 2 very skilled players so preferably flawless players with mic to help me go flawless the best i've ever done is 9 wins 1 loss so have good guns and lv 34 also we will start a fresh trials passage too so were all on the same page msg for inv if interested looking forward to see you there !
Looking to go flawless Me and a friend have gone flawless many times, and we are short handed at the moment. We need one more person to join but must meet the requirements.. - Exotic Emblem - Max Weapons - Mic ( Maybe Kinect ) - And Discipline, We need you to be able to cooperate. :) Gamertag- Jakyiri