I'm Putting A Trials Team Together, You Will Be Given 5 Games To Show Me How Skilled You Are And To See If You Can Keep Up With Our Upcoming Alliance. For A Try Out Message iForgetful Requesting A Tryout. I Will Message Back Shortly. Looking Foward To Making This All Happen.
Need 1 for trials must have flawless emblem message for inv in game only gt starts with a Lower case L
Need 1 for trials, message me at braden1379 for invite
[quote][b][u]❤️RUNNING FLAWLESS❤️[/u][/b] [b]*•*Need Maxed Exotics*•*[/b] [b]*•*LvL34 Required*•*[/b] [b]*•*Must Be Experienced With Trials*•*[/b] [b][u]Note: Don't Suck![/u][/b] [b]*•*Gamertag: fearfulzero47*•*[/b] [b]*•*>>>Xbox 360<<<*•*[/b] [b][u]•••Sniper Skills Is Preferred•••[/u][/b] [b][i][u]~~~EXPERIENCED~~~[/u][/b][i][/quote]
Need a really good group for trials 9-0
Got two very skilled pvp players about to go flawless. Looking for one more that already has the flawless emblem and has a positive k/D ratio. Msg for inv same gt lets kick some ass
[quote][b][u]❤️RUNNING FLAWLESS❤️[/u][/b] [b]*•*Need Maxed Exotics*•*[/b] [b]*•*LvL34 Required*•*[/b] [b]*•*Must Be Experienced With Trials*•*[/b] [b][u]Note: Don't Suck![/u][/b] [b]*•*Gamertag: fearfulzero47*•*[/b] [b]*•*>>>Xbox 360<<<*•*[/b] [b][u]•••Sniper Skills Is Preferred•••[/u][/b] [b][i][u]~~~EXPERIENCED~~~[/u][/b][i][/quote]
[b][u]RUNNING FLAWLESS[/u][/b] [b]*•*Need Maxed Exotics*•*[/b] [b]*•*LvL34 Required*•*[/b] [b]*•*Must Be Experienced With Trials*•*[/b] [b][u]Note: Don't Suck! Must gone 9-0 at least 6 times+[/u][/b] [b]*•*Gamertag: KoB Mistic *•*[/b] [b] [b]*•*>>>Xbox 360<<<*•*[/b] [b][u]•••Sniper Skills Is Preferred•••[/u][/b] [b][i][u]~~~EXPERIENCED(Carry YOURSELF or be kicked!)~~~[/u][/b][i] [b][i]Note: If you haven't gone flawless and don't have maxed weapons and don't me the requirements or if your gonna rage quit like a bitch than don't message me[/i][/b]
Doing Trials of Osiris Xbox 360, must have gone flawless before (need emblem don't lie) need mic and experience, must be a lvl 34, gt same as above
Trials 34 with maxed weapons only Go flawless Gt bonko54
Doing Trials of Osiris Xbox 360, must have gone flawless before (need emblem don't lie) need mic and experience, must be a lvl 34, gt same as above
[quote]Need a team for trials must have gone flawless before . I've never gone flawless but I'm easily good enough to especially cause with the map this week I'm a good sniper. Gt same for inv[/quote]
Started nightfall message me for invite.
Started nightfall message me for invite.
Message OrphanxXxWolf for invite ToO nut have gone flawless before!!!
i need 2 people to go flawless must be lvl34 must have maxed weapons andmust have been flawless atleast once message me gt same
Trials of Osiris Need to be good Message for invite Gamer tag "gunmyster"
Just looking to get 5 wins Thorn(but not required) Lv34 Sniper? Gt same as above
Need 2 34 for trials flawless Must have mic gone flawless before And experience Message gt above
Need help with trials of Osiris Not extremely good but can hold my own Please be good enough to carry XBOX 360 GT Tonylee3
Just looking to get 5 wins Thorn(but not required) Lv34 Sniper? Gt same as above
34 Titan, Need 2 flawless 34s for trials. Have max weapons, pay attention and communicate. Message me in game for invite.
Two for trials Not arsed what class you have or weapons you use or if you have been flawless before. I won't be using a mic Send me a message gt:TheGeneralWoo for an invite
Lfg flawless 34 hunter
34 hunter looking to go flawless preferably a warlock MUST HAVE GONE FLAWLESS BEFORE message for invite gt se as above
Lookin for a good trials team that has gone flawless before
Doing Trials of Osiris Xbox 360, must have gone flawless before (need emblem don't lie) need mic and experience, must be a lvl 34, gt same as above