I'm Putting A Trials Team Together, You Will Be Given 5 Games To Show Me How Skilled You Are And To See If You Can Keep Up With Our Upcoming Alliance. For A Try Out Message iForgetful Requesting A Tryout. I Will Message Back Shortly. Looking Foward To Making This All Happen.
Running threw trials for fun. MSG me if you have a 1.5+ kd. Gt same as name. Ps I will be checking
Doing Trials of Osiris Xbox 360, must have gone flawless before (need emblem don't lie) need mic and experience, must be a lvl 34, gt same as above
I need 2 34s that have gone flawless several times and must have mic Msg AKOG x CHAOS for an invite
Looking for a too team must be 34 have mic and have skill I'm 34 Titan
Need 1 for trials Msg me for invite Gt same as username
Looking for a trials team. Anybody that has been flawless before is welcome but not necessary
Need 1 reliable 34 for ToO. Message xXBUBBA11Xx for invite
FLAWLESS TRIALS RUN MUST BE 34 MUST HAVE MIC Must have good communication** -Sniper Skills Preferred- **Please know the map and be able to call out places of enemys and be able to listen to others Must have been flawless before Ive already went flawless 3 times this weekend i just enjoy trials
Trials of Osiris no mic but I can listen to u guys inv me DBG Beats I'm lvl 34 warlock thorn fully upgrade
Need 1 for trials GT:same
Looking for two who have gone flawless to carry me through trials. Please help me!
Level 34 warlock with maxed thorn a good shotgun and rocket launcher. I have gone flawless before and I need two others that have gone flawless. Gt is same message for invite. Please have a mic
need 2 more really experienced players who can carry their own weight and have gone flawless many times already GT: Si Tactics
Need 1 for flawless
looking for 1 for ToO just looking to get to 5 wins. gt is above if interested
Lvl 34 hunter gt same as name trial of Osiris max weapons
Lvl 32 poe host message for invite
Need 1 for trials, message vCrystals for invite
Need two for trials. Must be really good. Know what you are doing. Just gone flawless before. Gt same as above
Lf2 for trials. 2.6 k/d Gt same as user 1.3 k/d+
Need one for trials message me in game for invite. Must be good
I'm looking for a couple of lighthouse players willing to help carry a decent guardian to at least a high card. GT is above, and I would greatly appreciated.
Need 1 for Trials of Osiris. Must be 34, be a good sniper or rusher. Must have Thorn or Last Word. ALL WEAPONS AND ARMOR MUST BE MAXED! Need to have gone flawless before without getting carried. Warlock preferably.
Need 1 for trials, message vCrystals for invite
Edited by Very Saucey: 7/13/2015 12:35:25 AMNeed 1 for trials who's experienced and been flawless. I've been flawless twice this week and I'm trying to help a friend. Msg for invt
(360) Going. FLAWLESS must be 34+ and have the Exotic emblem (so you can prove you have went flawless) need one guy... MSG for invite get same as above FAST!