I'm Putting A Trials Team Together, You Will Be Given 5 Games To Show Me How Skilled You Are And To See If You Can Keep Up With Our Upcoming Alliance. For A Try Out Message iForgetful Requesting A Tryout. I Will Message Back Shortly. Looking Foward To Making This All Happen.
Need two more brave souls to face the Trials of Osiris with me! Looking to go flawless again, but not at the cost of my good attitude! Leave your negativity in Orbit, Guardians. Sorry, but you must be 34 and be at least decent in the Crucible. Message GT above for inv, and don't be a jerk!
Trials #Lfg I have a mic. 34 Titan... Looking for a group willing to help me get the boots for this week. After that I can leave if you want or help. Just going for loot. Thanks msg XxMexiAlexxX
Need 1 experienced person for flawless gt is XxNovaEliteXx
Need 1 for ToO must be lvl 34 and be skilled with the weapon's you have gt same msg for inv
Need one for trials were going flawless must be 34 with maxed weapons and have been flawless before
Need two for trials were going flawless must be 34 with maxed weapons and have been flawless before
Need 3 for Crota hard death singer checkpoint I am a real good player at pve and pvp but I have never done Crota before Must be level 34 and MUST KNOW HOW TO DO CROTA
Edited by David: 8/22/2015 11:34:55 PMNeed two for trails. Msg gt above.
Need one more player must be able communicate we'll and play smart Im level 34 warlock And my friend is level 34 titan Hmu at my GT:scoobydoo2314
Need 1 for trials not looking to go flawless GT:VXAssassinX3
Need 2 more good players (will be checking stats) for Trials of Osiris - Mic is mandatory and must have good communicative skills - Must have good PvP weapons - Must be a good and smart player Gt same as username, msg me on Xbox for an invite
Need 2 player who can help "carry" me to flawless. I have never been before and would like to get there. I am a lvl 34 that can carry my own weight just need help. Show emblem or gun to prove Msg for inv
Flawless run -need 2 level 34's -maxed weapons -must have mic -must be good at pvp -must have gone flawless before -must have flawless emblem -no noobs/not carrying people -message me on xbox 360 for an invite -gt same as user name
Need one for trials msg DeathTheKid809 for invite must have gone flawless before and be a good player
Looking for 1 person for trials that has been Flawless before and preferably a sunsinger warlock gt same as above
Need 2 for trials not looking to go flawless just want the packages Gt:VXAssassinX3 for inv
Trials of Osiris: Looking for a team for Trials of Osiris to go 9-0 with. You must have had gone flawless before with the emblem NO EXCEPTIONS. I'm a 34 Hunter with maxed weapons and have been flawless 23 times. Gt is same as above so msg me for an invite.
Need 1 for Trials, trying to go Flawless! -Must be level 34 -Good weapons -Don't be a dick or rude to anybody -Have a mic (no kinect) -Good Communtication(callouts, strats, etc.) -No squeakers Message me for invite, GT: Aecros
Need a trials team to go flawless, must have been flawless on widows court before and have been flawless at least 3 times total. Message name above for invite
Trials of Osiris: Looking for a team for Trials of Osiris to go 9-0 with. You must have had gone flawless before with the emblem NO EXCEPTIONS. I'm a 34 Hunter with maxed weapons and have been flawless 23 times. Gt is same as above so msg me for an invite.
[quote]LF 2 brave guardians to do ToO with me Must be/have: Lvl 34 Maxed weapons Able to hold your own At least have a bit of competitiveness in you Done stuff like trials before (iron banner) Most of all: Able to have a good time while being competitive Msg ArcTic Clov3r on 360 for invite[/quote]
Hey looking for a trials member that has gone flawless many times with skill and mic 34+ also Mg: me online for invite and GT: slaughterbot13
I need 2 people that can help me go flawless. I'm a level 34 warlock with 365 thorn 365 verdict 365 shadow of veils 365 chain of orbiks!!! I'm not the best but I'm not the worst!!! Message me if you wanna help!!!
Looking for trials team
[b][u]Trials:[/u][/b] I am a level 34 warlock I need 2 level 34 people to join me for trials. I want to get at least 6 wins. I'm not looking to go flawless, but it would be nice to. Message me on Xbox for invite!!! -Must have maxed weapons -Must have gotten 5 wins before -Mic is not required I will be using 1 though [b][u]Weapons I'm Using:[/u][/b] -365 Thorn -365 Found Verdict -365 Shadow of Veils -365 Chain of Orbiks Fel -365 Gjally on Heavy Round