originally posted in:Art and Stuff
Hello, my artsy peers. PAX will soon be upon us, and for the past few years it has been tradition that we sport the efforts of one of our own, and this year will be no exception. We are looking to draw upon the talent of the community to design the most awe-inspiring t-shirt that has ever graced this planet. The reward? Swag and glory.
[b]What to Do:[/b] Design a t-shirt that embodies the Bungie.net Community using elements from source material you deem appropriate. Please keep in mind that the cost to print shirts increases with every color used, so less is more.
[b]Where to Submit Your Work:[/b] By no later than [u]**June 7th**[/u], either post an image in this thread (or a link to one), or send a private message to me, Rollin, containing your submission. As far as submissions go, all we want is a .png/.jpg/.whatever showing us what you have done. If you win, we'll be in touch, and that's when we'll want copies of your work.
[b]What You'll Win:[/b] Swag and glory. What does that mean exactly? If your design is chosen, I will personally mail you the final product of your efforts, at no cost to you. In addition, when people come up to us, asking us where we got those sick t-shirts, we'll all make sure to point them back to you, because yes, people do stop and ask us.
[b]Restrictions & Guidelines:[/b] Please do be mindful of the content you use for these t-shirts. Aside from the obvious things like keeping the content PG-13, please be mindful of trademarks and copyrights. There never has, and never will be, any profits generated by these t-shirts. We make them for the community, and everything is kept strictly at cost. That said, printers are not always keen on using obviously trademarked or copyrighted material. In past years we have used the Septagon with no issues, but things like the Bungie or PAX logos have generated complications.
And that's it. All we're looking for is someone to make the designs. Handling all of the others logistics is something that I will see to myself, as I have for every year past. And, of course, if you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to ask me.
I, and all of the other Communi7y members attending PAX this year are eager to see what you all can come up with.
Here is my final design. I can make tweaks if needed.
www.facebook.com/662 militia is more then just a clan. It's a group of people that enjoy gaming a great game but more gaming a great game together. We welcome anyone that needs help through raids nightfalls trials crucible. Anything we have players more then welcome to help. And even get on our team and spread the joy to anyone else. We're a positive bunch that admire destinys community aspect and are just trying to embrace the oppurtunity it's giving us. Please like our Facebook page and leave some comments. We want to game with you! On the Facebook page leave a comment of your Psn id and we will game with whoever. Free merchandise will also be given away very soon. We're getting supported by many outlet gaming industries and we need some more dedicated players to be apart of our team.
So, which shirt won?
Somehow, this needs to be included somewhere on the shirt. With or without the words/acronym. Otherwise it's just a shirt, and we've all learned by now how #Dragons make everything better.
When and were is PAX
Edited by WickedWahine808: 5/29/2015 7:59:18 AM[url]http://orig15.deviantart.net/0410/f/2015/148/f/5/seventh_column_pax_drafts_by_wickedwahine808-d8v5y6r.jpg[/url] Ideas for shirts. It's all done in Illustrator, so all vector. Would work in one color but would look awesome with two. Half-toned the 7th symbol, first because it looks cool but also it will be lighter on the ink, and I personally don't fancy heavy patchy stuff on shirts. Thought the power button is universal for turning on any gaming device, or device lol. I get we can't use Bungie/Pax logos or related imagery/themes, so maybe describing the community with a few words would be ok? Feel free to change, comment, edit, I went for funny... and don't think "world Domination" is copyrighted, yet, although "Soon" seems to be ... I see from prior years it was mostly dark shirts, so it has to be silkscreen printing (every plate = more $). FYI digital print on light shirts, white, ash, etc. is super cheap and unlimited colors but I understand not everyone wants a baby blue or pink shirt though ;) Edit: Random color e.g. [url]http://orig04.deviantart.net/f783/f/2015/149/8/c/seventh_column_color_opt_by_wickedwahine808-d8v65dl.jpg[/url] [spoiler]Whatever you end up doing, print some girl tees! Bungie's idea of women cut is a men's small or really weirdly shaped tank top... instead of the nice ones where you can wear a bra and no one has to know what color it is...[/spoiler]
I think we should make the most popular chest armor into shirts...
[b] [/b]
Edited by Progo: 6/2/2015 1:21:01 PM
I can draw a mean stickman. I shall start to work on one for the shirt.
It's so nice to not be the host of a contest, I mean I can actually enter this :D
Edited by TGI Skuldier: 5/19/2015 7:36:07 AM5000 hours in paint.
Hmmm so I'm curious, are you looking for a complex design or something more simplistic? Because I have ideas that would fit into both criteria
For those potentially looking for inspiration, these are the shirts we rocked last year.
Here's a bump.
I can't design anything, but I think the cryptarch flicking you off with a sly grin would be a good one.
You're whalecome...
I didn't spend a lot of time on this, but I can work it out if people like it...
Alright, thoughts?
Edited by Zonda: 5/19/2015 4:07:53 PMWhen I get home, I am going to use the ever-loving crap out of MS paint for this thread. Edit: My design is complete! Yin-Yang themed Septagon, recruiting propaganda message, and a well-known b.net slogan with a wacky font all in one. Also you can't go wrong with an orange background ;). Booyah! Collar is present to distinguish between front and back.