I know all you guys think this has gone to shit (which it has), and being pain-in-the-ass-optimistic as I always am, I'm not about to give up (also a pain in the ass virtue sometimes).
We canstart this again, we can make this perfect, in it's prime again. The only way this is gonna work is if we drop the pissy attitudes and man the -blam!- up. This place has gone to shit, but as nature does it's thing, even shit has it's chance at making a comeback. So I'll still be here, and I'll maintain the place till you people get a brain and look past yourselves and maybe to other people, maybe how you've made them smile or hurt them, and right the wrongs. My word might mean nothing, heck, compared to Phoenix my word is as shit as this place right now. But if you'll listen, please, think.
And it's no ones fault either, just some people leave that we hold close, some people leave when you need them most, and the hurt is real, I know. But carry on in their name, they wouldn't want to see you like this. Most importantly, DONT let them see you like this. After every Dark Age comes a Golden Age, and vice versa. Take history for example. All I know is that I'll be here when the Golden Age returns. With or without some of you, my friends, my family, I'll carry on. Cuz some of us learned the hard way.[spoiler]I can't lose the only people who truly gave a shit about me, so if not for others, [b]I[/b] need you guys. Please think about it.[/spoiler][spoiler]And this better mean something to some of you asshats cuz I cried typing this.[/spoiler]
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