Want two for 32 Poe have a Titan defender message unkinddonkey11 for invite or reply to this post
Need two for 34 PoE Message: ikimash0u
Need 2 lvl 34 must have max gally to do skolas plz help gt: same as above
Lvl 34 hunter max galli looking for Poe 35 tried a couple times but failed need to complete before Tuesday. Gt is SirLucipurr
Need two for Skolas, msg jetplanex1
Edited by D347H D3N13R: 9/7/2015 3:58:56 PMNeed one poe 34 final round
Looking to run experienced 35 poe. Need 2 warlocks. Level 34. MUST HAVE MAXED GHORN. MESSAGE GT FYUT FOR INVITE
34 warlock looking for 35poe have max weapons/ experience GT above
Need two for Poe 35 message for invite
Looking to do 35 POE invite : Mzcw
2 more spots left for a lv 32 Poe message me for inv my gamer tag is Ls SKILLZZ
Need 2 for level 34 Poe Message jsmile24 for inv
If anybody is at skolas and needs another person send me an invite I can play on any level 34 character max gally
Need one more to run skolas. Message TBGx Insomnia if you want to run skolas with me
Anybody need help with any Poe ? Trying to finish another elder cipher. 34 warlock, plenty of experience. Message for invite, gt same as above
Level 34 titan looking to run skolas. I have done skolas before and I have a max ghorn. Send me a message if you are interested in running skolas with me.
Need 1 for Poe 34 MSG for invite GT above
Looking for two others to run poe level 32 message joker1600775 for invite
Skolas need one fresh get TLIxIncrediSwaG
34 hunter for 34 PoE Gt: falloutmarine21
Skolas message for invite. Be good have good weapons. Message on Xbox
Edited by SirXplodeAlot: 9/7/2015 3:45:47 PMSkolas noob would like to join team for poe35 I can play as any L34 character [selfrez warlock is ready, others id have to transfer some stuff] Ive read the reddit strategies Max gally all weapons maxed Xbone, mic works Gt same
Lvl 34 Hunter with max weapons looking to do any poe invite me GhettoPanda04
Lvl 34 titan defender max gally and asended elemental primaries looking to join PoE 34 have mic and experienced GT POkinsmOtallday message in game for invite
I need two for 35 poe pls mssg or inv gt above
34 hunter looking for 34 Experienced with max galley and weapons. Looking for fast run Gt same as above Inv in game