34 Titan need 2 experienced guardians for skolas please have max gally and mic
Poe 32 need one
Need 2 for 34 Poe message for invite
Guys we need help we are on 32 boss and one of our teammates left. Message me in game if you want to join
Edited by mystictig: 9/6/2015 6:42:14 PMLooking for an experience player who has done lvl 35 POE before to help someone who has not done it yet. Message GT mystictig
34 hunter looking for lvl 35 invite
Sup guardian's, come check out my XB1 Community Clan. This is a simple friendly clan for all xb1 destiny players so anyone can join :) We do everything, Raids, PvP, Strikes, ToO, ETC... so don't worry about that. Also we have over 900+members in this bish so its jam packed with all these sexy guardian's so making friends should not be a problem. So that's about it, if you guys are interested just click that link and have a fantastic day you sexy things. Oh and I hope you guys are pumped for the taken king :) Because that is going to be an FREAKING HUGE DLC!!! #TheTakenKingHype! Also, add DMIXING on Xbox One if you guys want to play sometime. All I want is a badass clan with a bunch of badass players in this Xbox One Community lol. * LIKE THIS POST PLEASE * Requirements: Must be 17+ years old(or if younger not so Immature) Must be Active and Friendly And be sexy.. yeah I said it(JK) CLICK HERE TO JOIN https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/648790
34 titan for 35 poe experienced with max weapons invite bloodpool86 (looking to join experienced players)
[url]http://twitch.tv/t00k_ez[/url] [u]t00k ez[/u] ***FLAWLESS RAIDER ACHIEVEMENT CARRIES*** [b]#110 for wins in trials in the world[/b] Hey guys, I'm carrying my viewers in my twitch chat room for free right now! So my chat room is set up with a bot and we do a raffle, all YOU must do is type "!raffle" and follow my twitch channel! Enjoy,
Need 1 for trials we've been to the lighthouse 24 times message gt nunnsie for an invite
Need 1 for skolas. Message me for inv. Gt:EHamilton1
Lvl 34 warlock looking for lvl 35 poe, i have all max weapons and experienced. Invite me plz.
34 hunter looking for lvl 35 invite
Lvl 34 warlock looking for PoE lvl 34 GT: UEG CORNBREAD
Need 1 for prison of elders 32 gt is same as name so message me in game for invite
Lvl 34 Hunter with max weapons looking to do any poe invite me GhettoPanda04
LVL 34 Warlock gt above INV LF 32 & 34 POE
34 Hunter looking to do PoE 35
Level 34 Titan looking to do 32 POE from any point inv MotorPanther17
[url]http://twitch.tv/t00k_ez[/url] [u]t00k ez[/u] ***FLAWLESS RAIDER ACHIEVEMENT CARRIES*** [b]#110 for wins in trials in the world[/b] Hey guys, I'm carrying my viewers in my twitch chat room for free right now! So my chat room is set up with a bot and we do a raffle, all YOU must do is type "!raffle" and follow my twitch channel! Enjoy,
Fresh Poe 35 need 1
Need 2 for 35 Poe message discprince must have mic
Need 1 for fresh Skolas run. Need this for last moments of triumph. GT same as above.
Level 34 Titan looking to do 32 POE from any point inv MotorPanther17
Need 1 more for 34 poe fresh. Msg me for inv. gt is same as user ID.
Need one more for Poe 34