Need 1 for 35 gt oh its fluffy
Looking to join level 35 Prison of elders GT; Ph3nom3nal1
Looking for one player to do level 35 Message me on xbox Gt is SumDumbHonkey
Lf 1 2go Level 35 To basic as -blam!- we just need a third for faster spend message for invite
Looking for one for 35 PoE, its so easy that we won't be using mics
Need two for lvl 35 poe gt its mxrc msg on xbox for inv
292 light Warlock looking to smash Skolas. Gamertag as above.
Looking to run all three 32, 34, 35. Gt jhirman22 Titan 302
Need one for PoE 34 and 35 Farming strange coins and exotics. Message me TSPENCER10 for inv Got a 300 hunter and 291 Titan
Looking for people for any PoE except 32 for this week, msg DiggingCamera47 for PoE or for future PoE and high level PvE, add me if you want, my light level is 290. Thank you
Need 1 for 32 PoE msg: Skorchz
Have Skolas CP message Ravager Prime for invite
Looking for any PoE, message me in game. GT same as above.
302 looking for anyone wanting to do poe
Need 2 for Poe skolas, currently round 2 (can join someone else if they only need one) 284 Titan msg a2tharon
Lf1 poe 35. Message gt wandy0909
Lfg to do skills 295 light hunter kioleesh
Do you still need another for Skolas?
Currently at round 3 40+ Msg for invite
Edited by Guardian1224: 10/4/2015 3:23:02 AMXbox One Need 1 Lvl 36+ preferred At round 6 (skolas) Msg: Eagle Fart 8869
Edited by Cvrrent: 10/4/2015 2:01:06 AM[XBOX ONE] NEED 2 FOR ALL 3 ARENAS (CULT OF THE WORM, BROKEN LEGION, SKOLAS'S REVENGE). Gamtertag same as name
Edited by Mr ehhJaaYx: 10/4/2015 1:55:30 AMNeed 1 for skolas msg my gt for inv
Need 2 for 35 Poe I'm 299 warlock message gt as above *i have no mic but I can listen to you guys* need to finish it asap
Looking for 2 to [u]FARM STRANGE COINS from 28 PoE[/u] [b]I'm a 301 Hunter[/b] Gt same.
Prison of elders any level msg Captainrex9090
281 titan looking for 32 poe or higher Same gt