Need a third person for PoE 35
Lvl 34 Warlock And Hunter Looking To Do Lvl 34 Arena Msg xVxBRINGITJEDI or nikeboy3thst
Looking to do 35...need exp playerd i dont wanna take long....if cp inv or fresh have all weapons maxed....gt OriginalEgorZA
34 warlock wanting to do 35poe. Invite me
Need 2 for a level 34 run.
Edited by XxVeXcoNxX: 9/13/2015 2:09:18 AMLooking to do a Skolas run. Please know what your doing. Gt : XxVeXcoNxX
34 Warlock looking for 34 or 35 PoE. Send invite to GT above.
Edited by TriggaTrey281: 9/13/2015 2:13:42 AMLvl 34 hunter looking for 32 or 34 poe invite, gt is the same
;ooking for 34poe
need one for 35 POE message CHicago ArmySGT
34 Titan looking for 32 PoE Gt same as name
Need 2 for 34 PoE 34 warlock GT: WhiskeyKano
lvl 34 warlock looking to do lol 32 POE Ft same as name
LFG for PoE 32. Warlock lv 34 hav 165 light.
34 Warlock LF PoE 32 run. Xbox One GT:Gloom Crow.
Looking for 2 dank dudes to kick skolas's anus and have some fun gt same as above so message me for an invite
looking for 34 poe invite
32 poe msg Itsdeoxy
Looking for 32 Poe Inv me GT same
Need 2 for lvl 32 message oldbones93 for inv
34 Warlock and 34 Titan looking for 1 more for fresh run at Level 35 PoE - message for an invite
Looking for 4 more people to do normal vog from start. I'm helping a friend through his first ever raid. Please: ONLY looking for people with positive attitudes, and who are generally friendly and helpful. Message should the guy on Xbox live for an invite.
34 Titan for PoE 34 or 35 Maxed out / Experienced Invite to party 1st on XBLive as I'm doing bounties and I'll join you and we'll rock. Gay same as above.
Need 1 for skolas message ILoHaN for inv
Edited by YesPlzDaddy: 9/13/2015 1:35:04 AMLevel 34 Warlock Sunsinger Light 149 GT The Gingerham
Looking for 35 POE gt: ChaoticExplicit