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5/19/2015 3:34:54 AM

No, I just stated the truth. You refused to debate, and instead of simply admitting you were ill-prepared for a debate, you insulted me and lied about me, that is why you're a coward. You're also a coward for assuming an insult from someone online is an "attack." You're more than welcome to shine light on your embarrassment. Your arguments were lousy and proven wrong. I also proved you wrong by inviting you to speak to some patients from my old dispensary. It doesn't matter how many fools side with you, you were still proven wrong. Someone even tried making a thread showing me people don't want it, and it blew up in their face as the majority of people stated it is harmless. Everyone has bias, but I was actually able to back mine up unlike you. I proved to you that cannabis does not cause psychosis but instead can trigger it like literally anything else can. It's the fault of the individual's mind, not the substance. It makes perfect sense to those with reason and an understanding of psychosis. Of course it makes no sense to an uneducated person like you. That's why you continued to humiliate yourself even after you were proven wrong. You clearly don't understand how the mind and these illnesses work. Literally alcohol, food, sex or smells could all trigger that psychosis just the same as cannabis. No, it's based on simple science. I never claimed all psychosis is solely from their mind, but that cannabis DEFINITELY can NOT cause psychosis. Period. There was also the Harvard study I posted, and plenty of other sources as well. You were the only one making false assumptions about me to the point of pathetic obsession. Alcohol is most often the cause of these problems, not cannabis. I guess you're telling these people they should never have food since it MIGHT trigger an episode. Of course, people with these problems should avoid ALL habit-forming activities, but of everything they could choose, cannabis is their best bet and actually helps treat most forms of psychosis and treats schizophrenia quite well. We had quite a few of these patients at my dispensary, and no, not one of them claimed cannabis caused them. There's a reason cannabis is becoming legal in this country, it's because we know what you're saying is complete BS. Your lies aren't working anymore. I never once said everyone was risk-free when using cannabis, if you ever took the time to listen. It's not for everyone. The simple fact remains that it can NOT harm you unless you have some kind of rare allergy, in which case, you still couldn't put the fault on cannabis itself. You can NOT overdose on this substance. Period. It will not harm you. Period. Any "harm" is the result of combustion or the individual user that should avoid all substances, fast food, unusual sex etc. Again, I've known many doctors that agree with me. I wouldn't care if one hit of cannabis caused death, it should still be legal. People have every right to destroy their own lives.

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  • Edited by Swag: 5/19/2015 5:19:43 AM
    [b][i]No, I just stated the truth. You refused to debate.[/b][/i] No you haven’t, and now you’ve loosened up on your position that pot is “simply harmless” – that’s good. And I debated you for several posts. Once everything had been said, and it was clear we were going around in circles, I walked away. I came here to give you another go. [b][i]and instead of simply admitting you were ill-prepared for a debate[/b][/i] That’s because I never was. My argument has been consistent and substantiated from the get go – you have clearly misunderstood it, but it hasn’t changed. Not once. Where was I wrong in the following position?: Cannabis should be legalised but we should also educate people on the risks – risks being negative side-effects that some people might be susceptible to. [b][i]you insulted me[/b][/i] Because you were talking nonsense and being arrogant. You insulted me from the get go. Get over it. [b][i]and lied about me[/b][/i] I’ve made clear assumptions about you, to you. [b][i]that is why you're a coward. You're also a coward for assuming an insult from someone online is an "attack."[/i][/b] Where did I say you attacked me? Stop putting words in my mouth. But yes, you were being insulting. [i][b]You're more than welcome to shine light on your embarrassment.[/b][/i] I’m not the slightest bit embarrassed nor do I have any reason to be, hence why I am happy to share our discourse; you continue to call me a coward, but I stand by what I have said. [b][i]Your arguments were lousy and proven wrong.[/b][/i] Again, where was I wrong in the following position?: Cannabis should be legalised but we should also educate people on the risks. [i][b]I also proved you wrong by inviting you to speak to some patients from my old dispensary.[/i][/b] That would not prove me wrong since I have not once argued once that [i]everyone[/i] suffers complications. None the less, some people do, as you have conceded. These are risks to be aware of for the potential user since said risks may or may not be applicable to potential users. Duh. [b][i]It doesn't matter how many fools side with you, you were still proven wrong.[/b][/i] Again, where was I wrong in the following position?: Cannabis should be legalised but we should also educate people on the risks. [b][i]someone even tried making a thread showing me people don't want it, and it blew up in their face as the majority of people stated it is harmless.[/b][/i] #1 I endorse the legalisation of pot, and I'm not arguing that people do not want that. I have endorsed the legalisation of pot throughout. THROUGHOUT!!! #2 Anyone making the claim that it is totally harmless is wrong, as we have concluded through our discourse. [b][i]Everyone has bias, but I was actually able to back mine up unlike you.[/i][/b] No. I have no bias on the subject, apart from being responsible. The only thing you’ve backed up is my point, such that you’ve even gone back on your initial statement. Originally it was "pot is totally harmless." Now you're conceding that there are health risks for some people. Your bias has effected your ability to follow the discussion, substantiated by the fact that you have several times completely misunderstood my argument and put words in my mouth because my contribution wasn’t foaming at the mouth “pot is perfect” endorsement, aka unbalanced. [b][i]I proved to you that cannabis does not cause psychosis but instead can trigger it.[/b][/i] I never said it did. I have never once said cannabis was the cause of a mental health issues. I have said it can induce psychosis which is pretty much exactly to say the drug can trigger a psychotic episode. Learn to read. [b][i]It makes perfect sense to those with reason and an understanding of psychosis. Of course it makes no sense to an uneducated person like you. That's why you continued to humiliate yourself even after you were proven wrong. You clearly don't understand how the mind and these illnesses work. Literally alcohol, food, sex or smells could all trigger that psychosis just the same as cannabis.[/b][/i] This is a silly comparison. [b][i]No, it's based on simple science. I never claimed all psychosis is solely from their mind, but that cannabis DEFINITELY can NOT cause psychosis.[/i][/b] Again, I never said it did. I have never once said cannabis was the cause of a mental health issues. I have said it can induce psychosis which is pretty much exactly to say the drug can trigger a psychotic episode. Learn to read. [i][b] Period. There was also the Harvard study I posted, and plenty of other sources as well. You were the only one making false assumptions about me to the point of pathetic obsession. Alcohol is most often the cause of these problems, not cannabis. I guess you're telling these people they should never have food since it MIGHT trigger an episode. [/i][/b] I’ve never said people shouldn’t smoke weed. Not once. I've said people should consider the risks and therefore by all logic consider whether those risks are applicable to them. I’ve many times argued it should be legalised. You’re putting words in my mouth again. [b][i]Of course, people with these problems should avoid ALL habit-forming activities, but of everything they could choose, cannabis is their best bet and actually helps treat most forms of psychosis and treats schizophrenia quite well.[/b][/i] Not necessarily, cannabis use can seriously exacerbate mental health issues. That’s a key point we agree on. It’s the basis of my entire argument that you concede: there are health risks for some potential users. Some potential users may be totally unaware they are at risk. [i][b]We had quite a few of these patients at my dispensary, and no, not one of them claimed cannabis caused them. [/i][/b] Again, I have never once said that cannabis causes mental illness. You haven’t been following what I have said. [b][i]There's a reason cannabis is becoming legal in this country, it's because we know what you're saying is complete BS. Your lies aren't working anymore. [/b][/i] I haven’t lied. You’ve completely misunderstood my entire position. [b][i]I never once said everyone was risk-free when using cannabis, if you ever took the time to listen.[/b][/i] But you have said in response to the point raising there are risks: [i]"Actually, cannabis is extremely good for you. It's also perfectly harmless."[/i] - Cam [i]"there ARE no harms from cannabis"[/i] - Cam See comments in the sub-thread for my post on May 13th at the following thread: [b][i]It's not for everyone. The simple fact remains that it can NOT harm you unless you have some kind of rare allergy, in which case, you still couldn't put the fault on cannabis itself.[/b][/i] Not true. There are many other situations in which it can be harmful for someone to use the drug. We've been over one of them specifically. And whether or not it's the fault of the drug itself, or the drug was merely the trigger of an episode, does not negate that there is a risk, nor the responsibility to educate people about those risks. [b][i]You can NOT overdose on this substance. Period.[/b][/i] I never said that you could. [b][i]It will not harm you. Period.[/b][/i] No, not "period." You're contradicting yourself. As we have discussed, it depends on the individual. Hence why I have said from the beginning: legalise, but educate on the risks. [b][i]Any "harm" is the result of combustion or the individual user that should avoid all substances,[/b][/i] Hence why I have said from the beginning: legalise, but educate on the risks. [b][i]…fast food, unusual sex etc.[/b][/i] Nothing but pure exaggeration. [b][i]Again, I've known many doctors that agree with me.[/b][/i] Nonsense. No responsible doctor would prescribe any medication to a patient without considering if the patient is at risk of some sort of negative side-effect. [b][i]I wouldn't care if one hit of cannabis caused death, it should still be legal. People have every right to destroy their own lives.[/b][/i] I have endorsed the legalisation of pot throughout. THROUGHOUT!!! You pretty much agree with me yet have misunderstood my entire argument. If you go back and read through it, you will see that.

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    I always held that position, because cannabis IS harmless. What you were getting at is as stupid as saying water has killed people in the past so it's harmful, when water itself is not. Any harm associated with it is due to other factors. You claimed cannabis causes psychosis which is simply not true. I've always maintained that certain individuals should avoid it, such as those that can become psychologically addicted to it, but that doesn't mean cannabis itself is addictive. That's the difference, and that's all I've been trying to clarify. I never insult first, that is a fact. I don't enjoy insulting at all and avoid it at all costs, but after the insults start flinging then I let loose. Your own words were emotional attack... "Cannabis should be legalised but we should also educate people on the risks." I have no problem with that, as long as you are concise in your education and careful with your choice of words. I have no problem with someone claiming cannabis use can trigger a schizophrenic episode in someone that has NEVER shown signs of it, but cannabis has never once been proven to cause schizophrenia in and of itself. Really, we agree strongly here, because I believe ALL drugs should be legal, and that education of the harms should be jammed down everyone's throats, as long as we're approaching it in an honest and intelligent way. There was a drastic decrease in cigarette consumption in the '70s due to awareness, it doesn't take a law to make that happen, and I appreciate you not supporting prohibition even with your beliefs, so I have no ill-will towards you, or anyone really. Along with that education should be a complete topic on mental disorders and their effects exacerbated by any specific behavior. Of course someone we think would have more trouble than benefit with cannabis shouldn't take it, and I've always said it's not for everyone, but that number is much better with cannabis abuse than with any other drug, as well as many other activities. I would obviously prefer someone abusing cannabis rather than food. And while schizophrenia is a horrific illness, it in and of itself will not harm a person, but rather make them a danger to themselves. That's not to make light of the condition, I've seen it, and it's nothing anyone should have to go through. Really, I hope we have a better understanding from this point, because I'm too lazy to go through the rest of your post.

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  • Edited by Swag: 5/19/2015 6:06:36 AM
    [b][i]I always held that position, because cannabis IS harmless. What you were getting at is as stupid as saying water has killed people in the past so it's harmful. [/b][/i] I have never said anything that comparably damning of cannabis or even close, and I challenge you to substantiate that. Massive dishonest exaggeration you've drawn there. [b][i]You claimed cannabis causes psychosis which is simply not true. [/b][/i] I have not. I have discussed cannabis and drug-induced psychosis as a potential risk. You seem to think "drug-induced psychosis" means "drug caused a permanent mental health condition." It does not. There are endless recoded cases of cannabis use having induced psychotic episodes, which doctors refer to as “drug induced psychosis” or “drug induced psychotic episodes.” This is fact. This does not mean the person is forever psychotic or now has schizophrenia. It can merely mean they have had a short psychotic episode (one which as you pointed out, the person may well have had a susceptibility to). From the very beginning my argument has been that people should be educated about such potential risks as said risks may or may not be applicable. If you read through my posts, you will see I have always referred to drug induced psychosis and never stated that cannabis causes permanent mental health conditions.

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  • Edited by Cam: 5/19/2015 6:19:43 AM
    I'm not sure which point you want me to clarify. Water has killed people if they drink too much too quickly, but the death wouldn't be due to them drinking water, it would be because their body is lacking other essential minerals that excessive water has flushed out. Well, then I'm glad this has been settled without further insult. You're still a homo sapien, though. I may have mistaken you for someone else in that thread honestly, I was debating with a lot of different people in there.

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