A thread to find teams for the House of Wolves missions, Prison of Elders and Trials of Osiris for PS4 simple just comment below. Up vote this so it can be at the top and easy to find ;).
Need one more for POE 32 Add themckloud
35 Skolas's Revenge At Round 4 Must be Either Titan or Warlock (SelfRes Or Bubble) Need to be 34 No excuses and a Mic PSN: iBlaze02
Need one more 33+ with 365 gally for 32 Poe PSN: agent_lag
Looking to join a team on SKOLAS CHECKPOINT I'm a TITIAN 34 w SAINT-HELM, MAX EFRIDEET SPEAR VOID, TRUTH, and fully other Max weapon and gear. Add xxZINIExx ps4 and send invite.
Looking to join a team on SKOLAS CHECKPOINT I'm a TITIAN 34 w SAINT-HELM, MAX EFRIDEET SPEAR VOID, TRUTH, and fully other Max weapon and gear. Add xxZINIExx ps4 and send invite.
Need one for 32 PoE Add Southernrocker
34 Titan / 34 hunter looking for 35 skolas cp I have maxed 365 void weapons efrideets spear and word of crota, looking for team with same sniper to kill him fast add Cloud_88_ff7
34 hunter maxed gally. Looking for Poe 32 final boss cp add cr41gb89
Lvl 33 warlock for PoE lvl 28 and 32. psn: xXAlexWitcherXx
Need a hunter for fresh and fast 32 PoE run. Experience preferred
34 warlock with Maxed void sniper and truth looking for someone already on skola. Add Naqtheripper
Lv 32 Poe add&join whitesnowflake2
[b]Magnus [PS4] PvP Clan: Recruiting Those Who Play to Win[/b] [i]If you took the time to stop by this easily ignorable post, then you've earned my voice. [/i] Firstly, let me introduce myself to all who may not know of me. My name is [b]Dednox[/b] and I want to further introduce myself as the founder of a consistently growing project- [b]Magnus[/b]. Magnus is a clan with very particular goals, which some may be particularly enticed by, and among us are [b][i]over 100 members[/i][/b] who share your same competitive interests. We wish to recruit all those who wish to advance their gaming experience in both PvE and, [b]most particularly, PvP[/b] to heights that have never before been delve upon. If you would like to expand your skill level and work in squadrons to crush your opponents, then please, accept this as your unofficial, yet, personal invitation to the organization. [b]{Initiative}[/b] The ultimate goal of Magnus is simple- create and enforce a ground breaking power in both PvE and PvP. Our competitive division, referred to as the [b][i]"Magnus Armada"[/i][/b], is where the highest and most skilled of our ranks reside, and the Armada is always welcoming new members. Join us and watch the massacre unfold with front row seats. [b]{Requirements}[/b] [i]Now then- the requirements...[/i] *As far as the requirements go, there aren't very many material requirements at the moment. However, there are others that lie in the same plain as behavioral* #1- Must be cooperative #2- Must be active #3- Must be at least level 20 #4- Must be willing to help other members on certain occasion #5- Must speak & understand English. [b]*PLEASE NOTE* Gender/Background is not an object in order to enter. All are welcome.[/b] [i][b]"The Blood of Our Enemies Be the Anthem of Our Bloodlust"[/b]- Magnus[/i] [b]Join the massacre here[/b]: https://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/912968
Anyone down for 34 Poe I'm 34 myself and done this before
Level 34 Titan looking to level 35 prison of elders I got max ghorn
Lvl 34 warlock. Doing skolas. Must have a maxed void machine gun and maxed character. Titan would be nice. Already started. Psn XavierDominique
Need 2 for poe level 34 be above level 33+ add for invite
Need two 33+ for lvl 34 Poe Add SuperL6397
32.5 titan need help on 34 poe need 2 add rgeordie1450
Need 2 players. Please be 34. PoE 35, round 5. Ign: Rachelletje
Need 2 for lvl 32 Poe Psn:Mahmoud210
Level 32 titan looking for a 32 PoE fireteam. Add me on ps4 'leeshaw_98'
Need 1 titan for poe 34 Add deadlyslience
Need one more to defeat the final boss at 32 add JasonSilvano
Need 1 for 34 must be 34 with maxed gallahorn we have already started Add gamerboi285
Need 2 for poe 32 Add Animal 150