level 34 hunter, level 34 titan or level 33 warlock, looking to do prison of elders, put down GT, class, and level of prison of elders you want to do, and hopefully you'll find what you're looking for, message me here or in game(NereverineZ119)
Need 2 for PoE Lv 32. GT is above for invite.
Doing Hard Crota msg flamebreeze141 for invite
Need 1 for skolas msg for inv
Need 2 33 at least to do prison of elders 32
Need 1 more for level 32 Poe. Must be level 34 with ghally. Gt is same message for invite. We are on round two.
Level 32 Poe need two level 34's with gally gamer tag above
Need 2 33 at least to do prison of elders 32
Need one for Poe 34 need some experience and decent weapons 33+ only no kids plz send message to gamer tag for invite same as above
Level 32 Poe need two level 34's with gally gamer tag above
Skolos check point if anyone interested i have soloed skolos before happy to Carry people many times message aquatic daze for inv to game
Need 2 for prison of elders 32 message me for invite
Skolos check point if anyone interested i have soloed skolos before happy to Carry people many times message aquatic daze for inv to game
Skolas msg for invite gt samw
Need 2 people for 32 POE! I am a 33+ Warlock with self resurrect! Msg for inv GT is Cheecch
lf more for lv 32 poe msg me also doing nf after
Need 2 lvl 34 for 34 Poe must have mic and experience with qodron Xbox 360 gt same
Want to beat 32 poe real quick 34s only msg inv
Doing the nightfall need 2 33+ Looking to do it quickly Msg GT same as above for invite
[quote]one for trials 34/good/been to the lighthouse need mic/no titans gt same as above[/quote]
Need 4 for crotas end normal fresh msg for inv
GT OldTiger00 34 Hunter looking 2 34's to run POE 35. Please have mic. Send invite or message to GT
[quote]Xbox 360 34 warlock max thorn Looking for party with communication.. Trying to go flawless for the first time. Help me out Invite my gt, same as above Thanks[/quote]
Finishing up elder cipher Need 2 for 34 PoE Have good weapons must be willing to do boss multiple times message Andre5524 for invite
PoE 35 lvl 34s only. Be experienced! Warlock (Sunsinger) recommended
Need two Good 34s for trials. Msg: gymrat1002 for invite
One for PoE 34 round 4