Make sure to like this post to make it easier to find!
PoE levels are as followed:
Broken Legion-32
Urrox's Grudge-34
Skolas's Revenge-35
Happy Hunting Guardians
Be sure to include: Rank Tier Class and GT (if username does not match GT) to ensure you find the team you need!
34 Hunter for 32 Mystic Timber
Looking to run lvl 32 PoE I am a lvl 34 Hunter message for invite
Need Titan with Max Arc Weapons at Skolas CP! GT is same as above. experience is preferred. Msg for invite with info.
34 Warlock with 365 Raid Weapons, 365 Arc Sniper, Gjallarhorn, Thunderlord, etc. looking for [b]two more 34's, one Hunter and one Titan[/b] with good weapons (including a 365 damage Arc Sniper and Arc Heavy) for [b]PoE Lv 35[/b], I've beaten Skolas three times last week and once this week, [u]please specify level/class/weapons in message on Xbox[/u], [b]GT Lucius Aelius[/b]
Lvl 34 warlock Invite me if you're on LAST DOOR for 35 ARENA GT: Zumbera
Have two 34s I am a Titan and my friends a warlock we are looking for a 34 hunter with experience we are running skolas fresh message BEaSTlyo CLUTCH for an invite thanks
34 Warlock with maxed Raid and IB Weapons, Gjallarhorn, Thunderlord, etc. looking for [b]two more 34's, one Hunter and one Titan[/b] with good weapons (including a 365 damage Arc Sniper and Arc Heavy) for [b]PoE Lv 35[/b], I've beaten Skolas three times last week and twice this week, [u]please specify level/class/weapons in message on Xbox[/u], [b]GT Lucius Aelius[/b]
Level 34 and 33 Hunter looking for one more level 33+ for POE level 34 boss. If you want to play, then send me a message for invit. GT is same as above.
Edited by BrownDuckling28: 6/2/2015 5:09:02 AMNeed more fore 34 Poe. Must have ghalli max
34 warlock max P&T and TLord lookin for skolas cp gt same
34 'lock maxed arc weapons.P&T fatebringer and many others looking for skolas boss round
34 hunter Looking to join at skolas Maxed Arc LDR and thunderlord Message me on XB1 Skinny Dr Mitch
Need 1 more for 32 arena messege morell71
Lv 34 warlock max arc weapons looking for Skolas checkpoint . Message me gamer tag- Dredgen Yor TDE . !!
Need 1 experienced TITAN with ARC SNIPER 35 PoE on SKOLAS CP! Message me for invite "zCurseddd"
Need one more guardian 34 Poe. Lvl 33 hunter lvl 34 hunter. Gt: zhavocvsmurfz msg for invite
Need 34 Titan for LVL 34 boss. Send message to Macnanamis for invite!
At 35 round 2, need one 34 Msg gt: Cesarone Da Man
34 hunter doing lvl 34 arena msg get cleverjoey17829 for invite
Need 1 34 for level 34 Poe
Need 1 lvl 34 titan for PoE 35 Gt same as above
- 34 Hunter - Skolas' Revenge 35 poe - max arc weapons - beaten twice -
34 Titan 340 Patience, 365 Fang, LF 35 POE
2 chill guardians, 33 and 32, looking to do the 32 arena. Message gt, same as above, for invite.
Edited by HPM Hemi: 6/2/2015 4:59:37 AM34 warlock looking to join skolas msg HPM Hemi got fate bringer and thunderlord
34 hunter with Max arc sniper and thunderlord killed him 2 times this week gt tarsaris for skolas