Make sure to like this post to make it easier to find!
PoE levels are as followed:
Broken Legion-32
Urrox's Grudge-34
Skolas's Revenge-35
Happy Hunting Guardians
Be sure to include: Rank Tier Class and GT (if username does not match GT) to ensure you find the team you need!
Need 2 for 35 poe. Need a titan.
Need 1 34 for Poe 34 on 3rd round send message to vashh strife for faster response
ISO Titan FOR SKOLAS REVENGE (Fresh) (2) 34 Hunter bladedancers excellent with invis Looking for 34 Titan Message gt: drunkmonk44
33.5 Hunter w/Max Gally looking for 34 POE AT BOSS PREFERED invite same as above
Looking for level 34 with maxed patience and time for skolas cp message me
32 Titan looking for POE lvl 32. Max gjally and non-ascended weapons. Gt same as above.
Needing 1 more 34 for the 35 Prison of Elders We are at Skolas Preferably with Max Arc Weapons especially an Arc sniper Message me on Xbox
At skolas looking for a 34 titan with max patience and time and other arc weapon must have experience message NERRYTHEBEST
34 hunter with 365 gally. Looking for qudron cp with 2 other people that have gally to finish it quick.
Hosting a Lvl 32 farming run for elder cipher bounty completion. Send me a message if you know what I'm talking about and need it too. Gt: mr cancer RN.
Need two to help down level 34 final boss Msg [b]th3rdeye[/b]
34 hunter kdr 1.2 Ntd 9-0 Invite WHARFARE 666 Please be 34 too 365 VEX / THORN 365 PRAEDYTHS 365 STEEL ORACLE Z-11
33 warlock. Looking for any PoE.
Looking for skolas checkpoint my sniper does 9000 damage better than patience and time invite please level 34
Need one for 34 messages me for a invite fresh run
Need one for 34 messages me for a invite fresh run
34 Titan looking for skolas cp Inv gtag above
34 Warlock with maxed Raid and IB Weapons, Gjallarhorn, Thunderlord, etc. looking for two more 34's with good weapons for [b]PoE Lv 34[/b], GT Lucius Aelius
33h with max gally looking for qodron, invite themanondacouch
I will be hosting x2 PoE 34 runs on my Warlock for the last part of my bounty, I have plenty of experience. Need at least 1 Titan with a Gjallarhorn. GT: Tur8oSquid
Looking for to do PoE 34, message me
Need 1 for 32 poe
33 hunter for 32 POE. Gt same.
34 Warlock looking for Skolas cp. I have maxed arc weapons.
On final boss 34 need help. "Worlock"34 message me. Have 34 hunter and 34 Titan
Lvl 34 hunter looking to do Lvl 35 Max ghorn Inv gt same as above