Make sure to like this post to make it easier to find!
PoE levels are as followed:
Broken Legion-32
Urrox's Grudge-34
Skolas's Revenge-35
Happy Hunting Guardians
Be sure to include: Rank Tier Class and GT (if username does not match GT) to ensure you find the team you need!
Lvl 34 titan, max arc weapons LF Skolas
33 hunter Lf 32 Poe msg spotard phd
Need one for 34. Msg for inv
34 Hunter looking for POE 35 have arc sniper
34 Titan looking for Skolas. I've already beaten him this week. You need to have good Arc Sniper rifles. I have a LDR that's ascended to 365. Need at the very least two more P&T. Gt is same.
34 warlock looking to do 34 PoE
Level 34 Hunter with arc weapons need an experienced team for lvl 35 arena that is already at Skolas cp, invite Troffles.
Need one for 32 message Lawhl
34 Titan LF 32 PoE GT: Rahsta
Need one for 34 PoE *TITAN ONLY PLEASE* I'm sorry it's too difficult w/o msg GT above, gjallahorns cool too...
34 titan lookig to do skolas max arc
Looking for POE 35 round 5 or 6, im experienced and have great arc weapons, I can be any of the 3 characters, inv me msg DesertPanther01
I'm a level 33 Titan with a gally that has wolf pack rounds with a level 34 warlock with a maxed gally in the 5th room of POE on level 34 trying to kill Qodron. I need a level 34 with max gally to come join us. My ign is aabug33
34 warlock looking to do skolas cp -max shadow of veils, fang, thunderlord Inv: krazykoolaid
Edited by DEADLY DOMO: 5/29/2015 12:34:18 AM
34 warlock. Done everything but skolas. Need a group for the 32/34 prisons. I know everything and have a mic. Waiting for an invite from somebody. Gamertag is the same as above: Kn1gh7mar3. I have an xbox headset too. Ripping fat bowls till I get an invite...
33 Titan lfgs to do fresh 34 Poe I have max gally an max glass house
Looking to do lv35 Message BkazingCometmlp Lv34 Warlock
34 warlock looking to do skolas cp -max shadow of veils, fang, thunderlord Inv: krazykoolaid
Looking for a level 34 with max ghally to run level 32 and 34 PoE. Message my gt: InfiniteSnuggy
Need 2 34s with max gallys for 34 POE. 34 warlock. GT:ampforce94 message for inv
Need one for lv 32 Poe Msg for inv -Tealtrapezoid Plz be lv 32+
Lvl 34 warlock with gjalli looking for Lvl 32 POE, INV my name
Need 2 for poe 34 Need 1 titan maxed ghorn and be 34 Message SoF 98 for invite
34 hunter lfg. invite me at the GT above.
Need 1 more for 32 arena Message. Smog The Thug For inv Smog The Thug