Make sure to like this post to make it easier to find!
PoE levels are as followed:
Broken Legion-32
Urrox's Grudge-34
Skolas's Revenge-35
Happy Hunting Guardians
Be sure to include: Rank Tier Class and GT (if username does not match GT) to ensure you find the team you need!
Need 2 for POE lv32 in game message SluggGenes41
Lv 32 Titan Defender looking for PoE-32
34 warlock with maxed weapons for POE 34. Gt h1pp1e cru5her
[quote]Make sure to like this post to make it easier to find! PoE levels are as followed: Broken Legion-32 Urrox's Grudge-34 Skolas's Revenge-35 Happy Hunting Guardians Be sure to include: Rank Tier Class and GT (if username does not match GT) to ensure you find the team you need![/quote] Looking for 2 for lvl 32 poe GT. copezadluke Message for inv
Lv34 Titan looking to do lv32 Poe I have max gally invite XxLebeauxX
34 lock/hunter/Titan looking for group that's at skolas have max arc weapons know the quick kill strat gt same as above only experienced players please
34 warlock looking for end boss 34 POE got maxed ghally and don't 3 times this week so far msg get as above if u have space thanks
33 hunter doing 34 PoE. Would like a hand, thank you. GT same as above. Msg/inv.
Hosting 34 PoE Msg dudeydude77 for inv Must be 34
Need 2 for POE lv32 in game message SluggGenes41
Lvl34 Warlock maxxed Gjallarhorn and I have a mic looking to run poe 35 please send invite. Gt : CertainDeath777
33 titan, invite good1sean
Need 1 more for poe 34 and we need a titan defender with max gallajhorn who is also level 34 message DEADLY DOMO
Need a hunter that knows how to medic and get mines for Skolas checkpoint. Have two 34 Titans. You need to have an arc sniper. MSG: icl191
33 hunter looking to do lvl 34 poe gt - AcracX
Me and my buddy are looking for someone to join in on poe 32 and to do 34 afterwards. We are both titans 34, we need a 34 with max ghorn for the boss at 34
I want to kill skolas trust me if you have a [b]365 arc sniper [/b]and a [b]Thunderlord or Machinegun with arc dmg 365[/b] we are going to kill skolas so i need one or two Titan's 34 with weapons of light or a Warlock 34 but you must have a : [b]365 arc Sniper and a arc Machinegun[/b] to do it [b]I playing as Hunter i did Skolas on Arc burn now three times [/b] just msg me ^^ Gamertag - [b]IRiyux[/b] Class / Level - [b]Warlock 34[/b]/[b]Hunter 34[/b]/[b]Titan 34[/b] Weapons - [b]Ghorn ; Vex-Mythaclast ;Ice Breaker ; Queenbreakers Bow [/b] Mic (Yes / No) - [b]Yes but i can only talk in a party[/b]
Lvl 35 NEED 2 lvl 34 Titans with weapons of light 365 max ARC SNIPER 365 max ARC HEAVY DONT MESSAGE FOR INV IF YOU HAVE'NT GOT ALL THESE Message me on Xbox gt Dezine kudos
Need level 34 titan for level 35 POE run. Message gt above
Need to do urrox message me 34 hunter maxed gally
Looking for group to beat Poe arena 34 real quick! Need two level 34 warlocks with selfrez and full upgraded gjallarhorns. GT Johnni Riddlin
Need a 34 Titan with max gally to finish 34POE BOSS. MSG me on xbox for an inv. We have 2 34 experience hunters with max gally in the lobby already.
Edited by Antoe: 5/28/2015 3:33:36 PMLevel 34 titan looking PoE last round I have all relevant weapons and helmets gt above
Looking for Qudron cp 34 POE X shady reaper 34 warlock Max gjallarhorn
Looking for a team to run Lvl 32 prison of elders pls msg me or send invite bluwolf9
I have done this 2 times now Looking for someone at skolas Patience and time does not work Must have 365 arc sniper and a maxed arc machine gun(I do) Send me an invite if you are at skolas