Make sure to like this post to make it easier to find!
PoE levels are as followed:
Broken Legion-32
Urrox's Grudge-34
Skolas's Revenge-35
Happy Hunting Guardians
Be sure to include: Rank Tier Class and GT (if username does not match GT) to ensure you find the team you need!
33+ titan looking to do 34 poe ... gt same as name
I've got a 34 warlock and Titan looking for 34/35 Poe gt same as above party invite first would let me switch to which ever preferred have max galli and others and experience
Need 1 Titan Level 34 for POE 35 have 365 arc weapons
33 warlock self res looking to do 34 gt still sniping
Need one for prison of elders me and friend are both level 34 I'm a 34 Titan and he's a 34 warlock GT is same as above
Need 2 level 34 for poe 34
34 Hunter with 365 arc weapons I know how to beat skolas first try, inv if skolas cp only
I want to kill skolas trust me if you have a [b]365 arc sniper [/b]and a [b]Thunderlord or Machinegun with arc dmg 365[/b] we are going to kill skolas so i need one or two Titan's 34 with weapons of light or a Hunter 34 but you must have a : [b]365 arc Sniper and a arc Machinegun[/b] to do it just msg me ^^ Gamertag - [b]IRiyux[/b] Class / Level - [b]Warlock 34[/b]/[b]Hunter 34[/b]/[b]Titan 34[/b] Weapons - [b]Ghorn ; Vex-Mythaclast ;Ice Breaker ; Queenbreakers Bow [/b] Mic (Yes / No) - [b]Yes but i can only talk in a party[/b]
33 lock lfg 34 Poe gt the odd smurf
Lvl 34 titan looking to help on skolas cp already have beaten him already on hunter have max arc efridet spear, thunder lord, and fate bringer my gt is nickandretti if you need help or pointers
Level 34 hunter looking to do poe 35 msg me gt rnxassassinxrn
I want to kill skolas trust me if you have a [b]365 arc sniper [/b]and a [b]Thunderlord or Machinegun with arc dmg 365[/b] we are going to kill skolas so i need one or two Titan's 34 with weapons of light or a Hunter 34 but you must have a : [b]365 arc Sniper and a arc Machinegun[/b] to do it just msg me ^^ Gamertag - [b]IRiyux[/b] Class / Level - [b]Warlock 34[/b]/[b]Hunter 34[/b]/[b]Titan 34[/b] Weapons - [b]Ghorn ; Vex-Mythaclast ;Ice Breaker ; Queenbreakers Bow [/b] Mic (Yes / No) - [b]Yes but i can only talk in a party[/b]
34 lock looking to help out with any 34+ lvl poe i also have 33 titan and hunter send invite plz gt as above i have a kinect no mic
34 hunter looking to do 35 Poe
34 Titan keen for lvl 34 arena, MAX Ghorn. Invite
34 lock looking for a 34 game or a 35 at skolos i got max fate p&t ect ect and truth and that for vex guy gamertag same as name
Need 2 for 35arena preferably Titans
Need 2 for 32 poe
Need one more to join for lvl 34
2x 34s with max arc efrideet spears, mastered arc sniper strat, beat him twice already. Invite us, we'll beat him easily. Gamertag: [b]og illz[/b]
34 warlock running 35 Poe need. 34 Titan and a 34 of any other character gt is above message for inv
Need one more for PoE level 34 must be lvl 34 msg above
Poe lvl 34 arena need 2 more people that have done it before must have maxed gallahorn message gamer tag og kush 802 for invite
Need one more for Poe 32 :)
Search 2 for poe lvl 32
Level 35 PoE FINAL BOSS. Need 2 Must be level 34! or 33 with g horn and max arc weapons. I am level 34 Titan, all exotics maxed. Send me a message over Xbox with your level and class and I'll send you an invite from that message. Gt: xDr Chroniic I also have VOG gorgon cp, so send me a message if you want that and I'll hook you up after. Please be patient I must beat PoE first