Make sure to like this post to make it easier to find!
PoE levels are as followed:
Broken Legion-32
Urrox's Grudge-34
Skolas's Revenge-35
Happy Hunting Guardians
Be sure to include: Rank Tier Class and GT (if username does not match GT) to ensure you find the team you need!
Level 35 PoE FINAL BOSS. Need 2 Must be level 34! or 33 with g horn and max arc weapons. I am level 34 Titan, all exotics maxed. Send me a message over Xbox with your level and class and I'll send you an invite from that message. Gt: xDr Chroniic I also have VOG gorgon cp, so send me a message if you want that and I'll hook you up after. Please be patient I must beat PoE first
Need 2 for lvl 34 PoE msg: Underground K for an invite.
34 PoE: Gt same message or inv 34 hunter looking to start up a 34 PoE or help at boss. My guns: 365 fatebringer word of crota or vision. 365 efrideet's spear black hammer and found verdict to shield brake at boss. 365 ghorn truth and thunderlord.
Need two at lvl 34 boss fight must have GHORN want to kill him fast last group couldn't do it send message for inv Gt is same
Lvl 34 hunter looking for POE LVL 34..... INV GT above
Need one for 32 Poe. Msg me for invite. Gt name
need 1 for 35 skolas with 365 arc weapons msg AP3X Destiny if interested
I need to do lvl 32 and 28 pls put gt and lvl below to be inv
Looking for 2 for 35 Poe must be lvl 34 and I need a Titan too, max gally would be good if possible gt is above message for inv
Lvl 34 WARLOCK looking to do lvl 32 with MAX GALLY msg DEATH WIZURD for inivte
33.5 Titan w/ max Gjallarhorn looking to do PoE lvl 34 msg above
need people for treasure key farming on venus just msg me iriyux
Poe lvl 34 arena on finally boss need 2 more people that have done it before message gt og kush 802 for invite must have maxed gallahorn
At arena 34 last boss i need to go so trying to find someone to take my place and not leave the team in the lerch
Need one more 32+ for the level 32 prison msg me on X1 for invite - graham1387
Need 1 more for 32. We are two 34s with 365 gallys. Message: [b]og illz[/b] For invite
Need two more 32+ for the level 32 prison msg me on X1 for invite - graham1387
I am looking for the skolas boss fight plZ invite me only if you know how to do it and have done it before as I haven't I am a lvl 34 warlock Gt markymark allen
33titan for 34PoE Gtabove
inv me 33 warlock for poe 34 GT same
Invite me for 32 lv33 warlock
Looking for a Titan level 34 defender doing level 35 please have max gally or max arc damage guns or heavy an have experienced an mic if your interested hit me up on Xbox one gamer tag same as it shows
Need 1 titan 34 with gjally. At final boss of 34 prison of elders Message TheCosmicRustle
Need 2 for 34 Poe 1 Titan 1 hunter Must have 365 ghally Msg for INV
Looking for a Titan level 34 defender an a warlock doing level 35 please have max gally or max arc damage guns or heavy an have experienced an mic if your interested hit me up on Xbox one gamer tag same as it shows
I am a lvl [b]34 Warlock[/b] with a [b]maxed Ghorn or It yür's Song(ARC machinegun[/b] and a [b]365 Arc Sniper [/b] i done [b]skolas arc burn[/b] twice this week and i know how to kill him Looking toTeam up for poe 35 please msg me only when you done this one time this week ! The noobs getting me so annoying Gamertag - [b]IRiyux[/b] Class / Level - [b]Warlock 34[/b]/[b]Hunter 34[/b]/[b]Titan 34[/b] Weapons - [b]Ghorn ; Vex-Mythaclast ;Ice Breaker ; Queenbreakers Bow [/b] Mic (Yes / No) - [b]Yes but i can only talk in a party[/b]