Make sure to like this post to make it easier to find!
PoE levels are as followed:
Broken Legion-32
Urrox's Grudge-34
Skolas's Revenge-35
Happy Hunting Guardians
Be sure to include: Rank Tier Class and GT (if username does not match GT) to ensure you find the team you need!
Poe 32 looking for 1 more
Im a 34 lock with 365 vision, gally. Looking for final boss on lvl 34. Inv narnz88
35 PoE need a warlock and titan (34 only) or a team to join with same requirements I am a 34 hunter
32 titan looking for 32 poe send invite
looking for one for the lvl 32 P.O.E. msg me on xbox one GT: Speckah we are both lvl 33
34 defender titan lf skolas cp Msg me Gtag is above
I was just kicked from a fire team as we were fighting the "Floor is lava" hive knight thing. I really don't want to do the whole process over again. I am level 32, if any one is at the boss of the level 32 poe please invite me. If not could I please have two level 34s help me do it? I need help.
P.O.E level 35 Skolas's revenge Two player needed.
33.5 Warlock LF PoE 34. Experienced.
33.5 Hunter for 34 arena. Gt same as above
At the final Boss on 34 POE must be 34 with a max gally
Need one 34 titan with Gally for 34 poe
skolas cp 34 Titan max arc weapons Message me for invite Get shovancocs
Need one 34 for poe 35 We are at skolas Need a titan with arc based gear Msg Cortexifan18 with details for invite
Level 34 warlock looking for PoE lvl 34invite OpticalPr0diqy
2 34 looking for 1 more for PoE can carry msg (YGFU ZERO) 32 PoE
2 34 looking for 1 more for PoE can carry msg YGFU ZERO
I was just in a fire team of three level 32s doing the 32 poe. Everyone was dying while fighting the boss, so the leader rage quit. I was right at the end of the poe so if anyone would be so kind as to invite me to the boss battle that would be greatly appreciated.
34 lock maxed arc weapons looking for skolas cp
Need 1 more for PoE on 32 then running 34 right after if u want to do just 32 that is fine too I am 34 all characters and other player is 33 At the moment. Message - cCougar - for an invite
Lv 34 warlock looking for 35 area gt ^
33.5 Hunter needing to do 34 arena. Gt same as above
Looking for 34 titan with Max Galla for 34 message GSDxiNFiNiTY
Need 2 for PoE must be 34 and have gali
I was just in a fire team of three level 32s doing the 32 poe. Everyone was dying while fighting the boss, so the leader rage quit. I was right at the end of the poe so if anyone would be so kind as to invite me to the boss battle that would be greatly appreciated.
34 defender Titan looking for SKOLAS groups Here's my loadout: PW:Red death/vision of confluence/three little words SW:ice breaker/judgement VI HW:truth/hunger of crota/thunderlord All but judgement is 365 rating My GT is same as above