Make sure to like this post to make it easier to find!
PoE levels are as followed:
Broken Legion-32
Urrox's Grudge-34
Skolas's Revenge-35
Happy Hunting Guardians
Be sure to include: Rank Tier Class and GT (if username does not match GT) to ensure you find the team you need!
Looking for skolas checkpoint send massage or invite same as gamertag above
Level 33 hunter for 32 arena. Message for invite GT: ki11joy162
Need one for Poe lvl 34 must be 34 msg piealex10 we are on round 4
33 warlock looking for 34 Poe group
34 huntr mac arc weapons poe35 gt same
Looking for 32 then 34 pls inv
34 hunter with all maxed arc weapons. Looking for Skolas CP. GT: Say Whatt
34 huntr lookn 4 poe35 hav max arc weapons gt same
lvl 34 warlock hosting the 35 PoE, need 2 more people. looking for a Titan, people with experience, mice, who are lvl 34+, and are older than 15. message Nasty Clique for an invite
Need 2.for 32 PoE Must be 32+ Message:DylGot Wood
Need two for skolas cp need one Titan GT: MiniSporeling
On 2nd round need one more for poe lvl35 lvl34s only please msg StudAxelgamer for inv
Need one for PoE 32
2 34s looking for one more person to do 34 PoE MUST HAVE MIC Gjallarhorn is recommended but not required (will invite those who have Gjallahorn over those who do not) GT: Spacegod Spiff Message your class, level, and whether or not you have a Gjallarhorn or not for an invite
effective. Power لُلُصّبُلُلصّبُررً ॣ ॣh ॣ ॣ 冗
34 huntr lookn 2do lev35 hav max arch weapons gt same
Need 2 for lv 34. Lv 33 or higher is wanted
Need one for 35 Poe
34 Titan willing to do 34 and 35. Invite me if you're down. GT: Lacrimosa AngeI ( L is capital i for angel )
Edited by THE LAST GH0ST: 5/27/2015 11:36:26 PM34 hunter with everything maxed. looking to join 34 final boss please
Need 1 for 32 PoE Msg Parcobra15 for invite
At round 4 on 32! If u want to join must be 34 with g horn! Msg me at GruesomeMink for an invite!
Edited by RampageKila3000: 5/27/2015 11:34:54 PMNeed a 34 with maxed arc weapons for 35 poe
Looking for Skolas cp. level 34 Titan. Can pop weapons. Inv BmZeGeoduck FTW.
34 warlock joining 34 PoE. Have max 365 gally. GT=Map Phillips
34 Hunter Max patience and time and gallys Looking for skolas cp 35 poe team to join, Gt : jayseizure