Make sure to like this post to make it easier to find!
PoE levels are as followed:
Broken Legion-32
Urrox's Grudge-34
Skolas's Revenge-35
Happy Hunting Guardians
Be sure to include: Rank Tier Class and GT (if username does not match GT) to ensure you find the team you need!
Hello! [b]Kill the Varelse[/b], former members of DoD, Devize Sigma, and Illegal Ninja, are looking to start a new Clan with a big focus on end game content and Tuesday content refreshes. We promote teamwork and love assisting others with their raids and bounties. An admin hosts weekly and raid groups every Tuesday and we are currently training for Trials. So, don't go alone, take us! Join [b]Kill the Varelse[/b] today. Only for Xbox One.
Need a 34 Titan for Poe 35 message VOAT
Need a titan on lvl 35 POE at skolas must have good arc weapons and 365 sniper message des1crater
Need two need Titan at scolas checkpoint must have arc weapons gt same as above
Level 34 Titan looking for skolas cp invite SnapSnap2002
Lvl 34 warlock looking fo skills checkpoint max arc weapons Gamer tag: MetalGrandalf
Need one for 32 message murdering man
32 Titan lf 32 poe maxed gjalli
Lvl 34 warlock with Max ghorn looking for the boss fight on the lvl 34 I will only join if you have 365 gally and have a titan and warlock both lvl 34s and know how to do it as I've wasted so much time today Msg me if you want me and I will stick on destny Gt markymark allen
Need 1 experience player that has beatin Qudron lvl 34 only maxed Gjally' GT: Eternal Hail
Edited by ygkobie: 5/27/2015 10:50:32 PMAt 34 boss need 2 with gally so we can take him down quick dont msg if you dont have a gally
Level 34 Titan with Helm of Saint 14, Patience and Time. Looking for Skolas checkpoint. Invite me.
level 32&35 Need 1 person for prison of elders level 34 final round (Boss)
LF group to run lol 32 PoE GT same as above or msg a inv lvl 32 hunter
level 32&35 Need 1 person for prison of elders level 32 final round (Boss)
MSG commander95768 33 + 32 or 34 fresh Need 1
level 32&35 Need 1 person for prison of elders level 32 final round (Boss)
Need experienced Titan for level 35 skola checkpoint, message me rated rz
34 warlock maxed all weapons. Looking to do 32 boss, or 34, 35. Invite me xXxksimsxXx
Need 1 for lv 34 poe Gt onelitre666 Titan would help
Need one for Poe 32 gt im unclutch
Two level 34 Titans. At the final boss on level 34 PoE Need one more Message Phoenix King12 for an invite
Looking for 33 to do 32 prison of elder message mAdXxJoKeRXx for invite
Lvl 34 warlock with Max ghorn looking for the boss fight on the lvl 34 I will only join if you have 365 gally and have a titan and warlock and know how to do it as I've wasted so much time today Msg me if you want me and I will stick on destny Gt markymark allen
34 warlock with max gally thunderlord fb all sorts of stuff lol inv me to 34 or 35 poe gt is j loro
Need 1 32+ for level 32 poe