Make sure to like this post to make it easier to find!
PoE levels are as followed:
Broken Legion-32
Urrox's Grudge-34
Skolas's Revenge-35
Happy Hunting Guardians
Be sure to include: Rank Tier Class and GT (if username does not match GT) to ensure you find the team you need!
34 Hunter looking 4 lvl 35 poe. Invite godlybeast23
Looking to join a lvl 32 PoE. [u]Level 32 Titan.[/u] [b]GT:Beyond2Sheep[/b]
Looking to join 32 Titan
Need 2 for lvl 34 message Lil Rainbow 0
Need 1 lvl 34 titan with gali message Lil Rainbow 0
Lvl 34 titan and Hunter with maxed void weapons looking for warlock with void weapons too. Message x c for mayor x for inv
Lvl 34 warlock looking for skolas cp invite ShadowGodErebus
Lvl 34 titan and Hunter with maxed void weapons looking for warlock with void weapons too. Message x c for mayor x for inv
need 2 for lv 32 Poe msg for inv
Looking to do level 34 or 35 PoE. I'm a level 34 warlock. Inv gt above
need one experienced Titan for scolas, we r on the last boss and need a savage Titan message for inv COLAX4Life
Lv 34 with Ghorn looking to join lv 34 PoE boss fight. Pick me up. Gt same as name. I already beat it with my other character.
Edited by Vizual Classic: 6/8/2015 4:23:26 AMI need to lvl 34s poe lvl 34 must have gally maxed out msg avxrage
Starting 35 Poe need one more we haven't been able to defeat skolas hoping to get some one that will help us get through it GT: Ratchet taco
34 hunter looking for PoE 32, have maxed weapons + gally, invite only if you are 33+
33 hunter for 32 poe Max gjally Invite: willagaroon
Level 34 hunter inviting people for level 35 PoE shoot me a message and I'll invite you. GT: KingJose214 must have mic
Looking to do 34 POE gt same as above I have g-horn with wolfpack rounds
34 hunter looking for a group doing 34 poe any cp is fine GT^ msg on Xbox
LVL 34 warlock looking for 35 POE max void weapons POE gt adamhopmoen
Looking for 1 more 33 or higher for [b][u]LEVEL 32 POE[/u][/b] Msg [b]RUSTEDEMBRACE[/b] on [b][u][i]XBOXONE[/i][/u][/b]
Lf somebody for 35 Must have a good sniper like LDR gt above
Lvl 34 titan Need to run lvl 34 arena
Edited by C1TZ: 6/8/2015 2:25:57 AMNeed two at round 3 for 28 Poe Message: l iConnor l for invite
34 warlock looking for skolas cp I have 365 ldr/truth experienced gt as above
34 Hunter looking to JOIN A TEAM, PLEASE HAVE a high impact void sniper, either EFRIDEETS, her benevolence or something similar. Gt: Project ARES 27