Make sure to like this post to make it easier to find!
PoE levels are as followed:
Broken Legion-32
Urrox's Grudge-34
Skolas's Revenge-35
Happy Hunting Guardians
Be sure to include: Rank Tier Class and GT (if username does not match GT) to ensure you find the team you need!
Need 2 for 35 Poe skolas cp max void veapon gt. Predat0r33
2 Lvl 34s looking for 35 Poe Gally, void sniper, and helm of saint maxed GT: AnlDrule19
Need a 34 Titan for 35 Poe message GT: all c in ii
Lf skolas cp l35 L34 war with exp Weapons: 365 void sniper dose 8265 damage on skolas 365 truth 365 gh Loads more Gt as above
Looking for 2 more to do POE 32, I'm a 33 warlock, self res, need people who know what's up as I've not done 32 before. Cheers. Message : SHIKARIsam
33 hunter looking for 34 POE. max gjallarhorn and other. Please invite me. Alterego555
At round 4 poe lvl 35 need 1 must have mic must be 34, message WESTGRIFF for invite
Need two for Poe level 32
Need 1 poe 34 Msg on Xbox
Lvl 34 hunter looking 4 lvl 35 poe. Invite godlybeast23
34 titan looking to join at skolas cp. Void weapons, saints-14, weapons of light. Gt same for invite
Need 2 for skolas must have void weapons message GT: all c in ii for invite
Need 2 for Poe on 35 must have max a 365 void sniper and a 365 heavy msg IDONTN33DANAM3 for inv
Experienced 34 Warlock looking for Skolas battle I have 365 Efrideets spear 365 correction measure INV GT: rezzyrezz
34 titan looking to join at skolas cp. Void weapons, saints-14, weapons of light. Gt same for invite
Looking to join a good team for PoE 32 Invite me... GT: iamMrCrumby Level 34 Titan
At 34 boss with two 33s one hunter one warlock. Need a 34 with a maxed 365 launcher to take our kaliks.. Msg me through Xbox for invite. GT: itsKryyp
lvl 34 on all characters with max void weapons and experience lfg to do Poe 35 must have max void weapons as well gt: terr1bletsv
Lv 34 titan with maxed Ghorn looking for 32 PoE. Gt:ClassicalLmc
Lvl 34 lock w max weapons looking for 34 Poe any round gt Royleethree
Looking for lvl 34 PoE GT ^
Want to do 32 Poe invite me please gamertag is. Cometocrimson no mic but know what to do
34 Titan Looking for 34 PoE
Need one more 32 POE
Looking to do level 34. IGN as above. Done it before. Self res 34 with max gally, black hammer and fate bringer.
Level 34 warlock with Max void weapons and experienced. Looking for skolas cp invite UsefulCharacter