Make sure to like this post to make it easier to find!
PoE levels are as followed:
Broken Legion-32
Urrox's Grudge-34
Skolas's Revenge-35
Happy Hunting Guardians
Be sure to include: Rank Tier Class and GT (if username does not match GT) to ensure you find the team you need!
34 warlock looking to do 32
Need 2 for X1 PoE lvl 32 & 34. GT is same as above.
Looking for 2 to do Poe 35 I have gally with wolf pack rounds message know how 2 please
34 warlock with max gally looking to do 35 POE. Msg homicidl turtle
Lvl 34 warlock with self resurrection. I am experienced. Have 365 gally and 365 fate bringer. Msg gt above for inv or inv the gt above. LOOKING TO DO 35 POE
34 warlock with max gally looking to do 35 POE. Msg homicidl turtle
34 Hunter Looking for 32 Poe Invite bad asset
Looking for 2 to do Poe 35 I have gally with wolf pack rounds
33 and half Hunter. Looking to do Poe 34. I've already done it. 365 Galli, fatebrinnger, icebreaker. Send invite to "Larry tenders"
34 hunter 365 on all Plus gally Lfg for PoE 34 any round Mic on but will have muted for a bit Mssg or inv stuntman iviike
Need 2 lv34 with 365 void snipers for skolas message in game gt above
Lvl 34 hunter 365 gally, praydeth's, truth and corrective measure looking for other 34's with good weapons inv me
33 warlock with Max ghorn lookin for 34 PoE.
34 warlock looking for a team to do 34 Poe must be level 34 GT SHAD0W WARR10R2
Need 2 for 35 PoE
34 Titan LF 35 Poe maxed 365 sniper & void weapons ft same as here with zero in wolf
34 hunter with 365 vex and gjally. VOID LDR looking for 32 and 35 POE
33 hunter max gally looking for 34 poe can do legit or burndown
Need 2 for 35 PoE
Need 2 for 35 PoE
34 Titan max everything, have completed everything every week. Looking for 32 or 34 fresh or boss.
Edited by Tairehk: 6/6/2015 2:06:48 AMGamerTag Same as above Looking for group to do Broken Legion
34 hunter with maxed gally looking for 2 34's with maxed gally for a quick [u][b]POE LVL34.[/b][/u] gt same. Msg me with your class. Edit: need one Titan!
Hunter looking for skolas cp
Looking for one more fresh 34 poe
Lvl 34 Hunter with Max weapons and 365 ghorn and truth looking for Lvl 35 POE inv me gt djkidmix