Make sure to like this post to make it easier to find!
PoE levels are as followed:
Broken Legion-32
Urrox's Grudge-34
Skolas's Revenge-35
Happy Hunting Guardians
Be sure to include: Rank Tier Class and GT (if username does not match GT) to ensure you find the team you need!
Looking to lvl 34 poe I'm lvl 34 lock. With maxed gally msg So AuhMayZing
Need 34 with gjallarhorn for 34 prison. Send message for invite.
Edited by Zer0Bread: 6/5/2015 10:43:40 PMLooking for one more at 32 preferably titan but anything with a ghorny will do Msg zer0bread
Need 1 more titan at lv 34 boss, gt blaze of angels
Need 1 Titan with weapons of light for 32 Poe. Message shadowmax52
Lf group to do lvl 34 Poe 33 Titan gt same
Looking to do 34 poe need two other 34s with ghorn! Message: of mango 4inv
Edited by Versace: 6/5/2015 10:37:01 PMLooking to farm elder cypher looking for titan lvl 34 with gally or black hammer message Gt So AuhMayZing
Looking for a group to farm the last part of the cipher...message on xbox...Gt same as above...please be a 34 with gally
Looking for a group to farm the last part of the cipher Msg zer0bread
34 warlock max everything I know all fights Please no scrubs I'm looking for a descent group Lf prison of elders lvl 34 or 35 Gt: hawk spec ops
Hosting level 35 POE, must be level 34. [b][u]-Have good void weapons for Skolas encounter -Looking to finish this fast [/u][/b] Gamertag - [b]Sameet118[/b]
34 warlock wi maxed ldr truth devient gravity ect looking for a ge at skolos done it already with titan gamertag same as name
Max Titan looking to do skolas have maxed void guns gt is name
looking to do level 32 PoE level 33 warlock w/ maxed ghorn & icebreaker gt: theBungPuncher
Need 2 lvl 34's for PoE 34. Message me: PeterdeLAW
Level 34 Titan STILL looking to do level 34 PoE. Invite iblocku108. What is it with you people? *sniffs armpit* Do I offend?
34 Hunter looking to do 32+ POE. Message in game for invite.
GT: HorridSandWorm lvl 34 hunter looking to do 35 poe
Lvl 34 warlock looking to do PoE 35. Looking for 2 lvl 34s preferably titans with maxed void sniper. Msg ingame for invite. Gt same as above
Need one for 32 Message Freerun22
Need two for lvl 32 poe. Gt same as name. Lvl 34+ only
While it isn't fair to expect century-old cities to be spotless, Italy does have a problem with grime. The mess is a combination of age, overcrowding and a lackadaisical approach to proper rubbish collection. As a tourist, you won't notice the graffiti, worse-for-wear buildings or messy streets, but as an expat, you will, especially when you venture out of the tourist centres.
34 Titan looking for boss cp 34 35 max ghorn preadyths gt name
34 warlock looking for a 35 run with good void guns completed this week already Invite deviousxhiphop
Need one for 32 32 or above with gjallahorn gt is above