Just curious. Personally I'm buying/acquiring a bunch of new armor before I level anything up. I'm gonna see what perks work with what and what looks the best before I upgrade any to 34(respect to those who hit 34 day 1). So what are the rest of you up to?
Just want a 34 before the next Iron Banner
I'm gonna chill. Bathe myself in the new content if you will, and swill around at my leisure. Gonna sherpa some new friends, raid with old ones, PoE with anyone who dares. I'm going to [i]enjoy[/i] playing this game again.
Rushed one to 34 for content. Rest I could care less about how long. :)
It's so easy to get 34. I've got my 33 titan and got two etheric light from NFs. I could push to 34 already, but I'm choosing to wait to I can min/max intellect and str with some new legendary pieces.
I'm fine with 32.5 for now. I guess I'll finish up the story missions tonight and see what's what in the PoE.
Got to make the content last until early fall so I'm going to enjoy it. That being said, I'm still going to be cranking out the levels
Trials of Osiris
I'm thinking of going full DO, ToO, or PoE with the feedback fence on my titan and then whichever I pick, my warlock and my hunter will get the others
Chillin. I'll hit 34 eventually. I actually got my warlock to 32 the week HoW came out. Not in a hurry. I paid money for this. I'll take it slow.