Every time I try to sit down and enjoy my favorite game she finds some crazy reason to pull me away.
When things started off I was like "yeah she's a little needy but I can handle that." Now it feels like she is controlling my life.
Things got heated on the 19th when I was in the middle of a prison of elders run when she walked by and just turned off the xbox. It was an obvious cry for more of my attention. Im torn as to what to do.
She demands that I wake when she does even though or schedules are way different.
She demands that I meet her special dietary needs for every meal, no exception.
She demands that I do EVERYTHING with her. Hell she even makes me be there when she uses the bathroom!
She can be a real bitch but man she is gorgeous and we have so much fun together. Destiny is the only thing we fight about on a daily basis. I may be crazy but I think im in love. Can there be room in my life for both or must I choose? Just one look at her and you would know why I cant quit her.
[spoiler] Her name is Ginny, she's my 2month old wire hair griffon http://postimg.org/image/qu8hx3oyb/[/spoiler]
Edited by TheArtist: 5/21/2015 6:27:28 PMGot me.
Secretly she is being used by Skolas. I think you know what you need to do guardian.
If destiny gives you more enjoyment than this new relationship, then she probably isn't the right one anyway. Hold out until you find someone so awesome that it isn't a question of which you would rather do! Until then, you've got destiny to keep u entertained!!
Shoot her with your 365 gjallarhorn
Give me your console u scrub
Edited by ejp: 5/22/2015 7:06:31 AMYet another stupid troll
Edited by Grant Shepherd: 5/21/2015 3:13:18 PMYou pu[b]s[/b]sy whipped bitch! Be [b]A[/b] man and grow a pair! Don'[b]t[/b] let a woman control your l[b]i[/b]fe! You'[b]r[/b]e an [b]e[/b]mbarrassment to mankind!
Listen man, looks aren't everything. If she is this controlling now it will only get worse over time. My advice, talk to her and see you really like her but you are being smothered. You need to have time away from each other once in awhile. She will either understand and agree, or cry and say you don't want to be with her. If it's #2 it might be time for a change.
You mean your old girl?
Edited by oznedrol: 5/21/2015 5:24:18 PM
[spoiler]Well done. The comments are great.[/spoiler]
Become gay. Problem solved.
Send her to me, I'll turn off Destiny and satisfy her.
Nice troll
If this was real, and she was gorgeous and put out... I'll retire the Xbox until she's gone. Lol
Give that doge a peanut butter cake
My pug is the same. Pay attention to me!
Sorry m8, she will have to go.
All the people commenting giving relationship advice, lol at you.
Bungie! This woman needs to be Nerfed!
Lel amazing thread
Then she isnt for you...
I couldn't see the pic
What type of dog you got? I love labradors.
Lol satire