Every time I try to sit down and enjoy my favorite game she finds some crazy reason to pull me away.
When things started off I was like "yeah she's a little needy but I can handle that." Now it feels like she is controlling my life.
Things got heated on the 19th when I was in the middle of a prison of elders run when she walked by and just turned off the xbox. It was an obvious cry for more of my attention. Im torn as to what to do.
She demands that I wake when she does even though or schedules are way different.
She demands that I meet her special dietary needs for every meal, no exception.
She demands that I do EVERYTHING with her. Hell she even makes me be there when she uses the bathroom!
She can be a real bitch but man she is gorgeous and we have so much fun together. Destiny is the only thing we fight about on a daily basis. I may be crazy but I think im in love. Can there be room in my life for both or must I choose? Just one look at her and you would know why I cant quit her.
[spoiler] Her name is Ginny, she's my 2month old wire hair griffon http://postimg.org/image/qu8hx3oyb/[/spoiler]
oh yeah... She's a keeper. :-)
Had I not seen the satire tag, I would have been wondering why you are on the forum even having a post about this in the first place, cause: Ain't nobody got time for that shit!!!!
i really though you was talking about a girl lol
get a cat they take care of themselves #catsruledogsdrool
What a cutie! My new love is a 10 month old Yellow Lab and he's rather annoying about my gaming time as well. Crawls up in my lap when I'm raiding and he's even shut off my xbox once too.... walked right up to the button and pushed it with his nose... I couldn't stop laughing! I find it's best if I take him out for a run or swim before I settle in to play... that way he's all tuckered out and looking to nap ;)
For a moment, I thought you were talking about a girlfriend or wife. I was gonna recommend putting them in a crate.
Edited by MadRussian0: 5/20/2015 7:16:31 PMOh, that puppy is adorable....I'd quit Destiny today buddy!!! Oh, if you ever get tired of her, send her over to me!
Lol and this is completely off subject but when I clicked the picture it told me my keyboard is out of date lmao I'm on a galaxy.
Get drunk than beat her
Wait, you in love with Destiny? Well damn, I don't know why you would need a girl then... Lol
[quote]Every time I try to sit down and enjoy my favorite game she finds some crazy reason to pull me away. When things started off I was like "yeah she's a little needy but I can handle that." Now it feels like she is controlling my life. Things got heated on the 19th when I was in the middle of a prison of elders run when she walked by and just turned off the xbox. It was an obvious cry for more of my attention. Im torn as to what to do. She demands that I wake when she does even though or schedules are way different. She demands that I meet her special dietary needs for every meal, no exception. She demands that I do EVERYTHING with her. Hell she even makes me be there when she uses the bathroom! She can be a real bitch but man she is gorgeous and we have so much fun together. Destiny is the only thing we fight about on a daily basis. I may be crazy but I think im in love. Can there be room in my life for both or must I choose? Just one look at her and you would know why I cant quit her. [spoiler] Her name is Ginny, she's my 2month old wire hair griffon http://postimg.org/image/qu8hx3oyb/[/spoiler][/quote] Lol what kind of puppy is it.
I loved this post! Ginny is cute AF!
I knew it had to be a Dog. My boy, Caesar, is the same way sometimes. We've gotten it all figured out. He always sits on my lap, and then he perks up for loading screens and then I pet him until it loads up. He knows what to listen for, and he watches pretty intently. He's a gamer dog at this point.
Just rub her belly with your foot when she wants attention while you're playing
Edited by xI H4RDSTYLE Ix: 5/20/2015 6:57:41 PMShe needs to respect your interests and deal with them.. grow some balls and tell her. If you do not she will eventually try to control your entire life m8.
Dude dump her, not for Destiny but just for yourself because if she's begin controlling that relationship is going to end up bad. Save yourself before it to late (its never really to late)
If u don't leave her now, one of these 3 things will happen 1- u regret it forever 2- she leaves you and u r sad 3- u talk about it and reach a compromise and u can continue to game
Edited by DahcDerron: 5/20/2015 5:53:45 PMYou need to discipline her. If she is annoying you while you play, take her outside on a walk, then lock her up in the cage for a while until she learns that you need your time, too. Make sure to spend time with her, but also set boundaries. The cage isn't a bad thing-you should also make her sleep in it at night so she establishes it as her place. Eventually you can get her her own bed and put it on the floor next to you while you play.
Edited by Ragin Mason: 5/20/2015 6:35:50 PMKey word "Demands" thats not worthy. Whether is about a game or not. But again.. you can do both at the same time right, just demand lol
As a female I say RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!! If she cared about you she would be interested in aspects of YOUR life!! How you gonna date a chick that doesnt like destiny??
Destiny wants you to quit this new girl
I was about to say "dude you are literally married already" ........ Then finished the post lmao!!!
Who gives a crap. We don't care about you, or your -blam!-ing girlfriend. If this is supposed to be "satire", your grammar skills suck. Rather than make an attempt at humor, work on your grammar skills. It definitely takes away from whatever it is that you were attempting here.
Dude it's just a game. What will happen if you don't play? What will happen if you cut your gaming hours? Not a lot because to be honest the game will get old anyways, and all those hours potentially are wasted on what? If you get paid for it its one thing but if not then realistically I would choose the girl!
im a chick. i split with my exbf of so many years bc he was super jealous of me raiding with dudes and playing. so i said peace to him.
Now remember don't kiss these hoes in the mouth unless you have to