Obviously just looking for 2 people. Looking for you to be pretty good.
I'm a warlock sunsinger with self-Res, with both the dual grenades and dual melee perks.
I like to use the mida-m.t, any shotgun and for heavy a machine gun.
If interested add me on xbox and then send me a message. I probably won't be online until Thursday(tomorrow) but then we can play a few matches and see how our teamwork is.
Thank you!
I'm available anytime this weekend I am a 33 Titan Defender just want the chest plate from Osiris so I can be 34 I am very experienced in the crucible I'll always try my best and try to murder the other team I have all Titan exotic armors maxed I'm running the Crest of Alpha Lupi for additional orbs and to revive teammates faster My Setup: THORN Effriderts Spear(LAST ROUND) ;) Exodus Plan RS/1 (Granades and Horseshoes) Reply if your interested in doing a Fireteam
If you two are still good I'll be on in about 6 hours