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Edited by TrafalgarDarkLaw: 5/18/2015 8:31:04 PM

Can't play beacuse of errors

Hello, Recenly since the new update of the game I can´t play it anymore because I start to play an assault and at the start everything goes well (my conection with the game is good) but at the moment I get into the dead zone my conection turns red, adn disconect from the game with a different error each time. I play in PS4 and my location is Spain I thought that was because of the ports but I opened them and checked the conection with the console test and everything goes fine. Even I opened the option of DMZ for the Ip of my Ps4. The errors that apeared me are: Baboon, Lionfish, Beetle, caterpillar(new) (as i said each time is a new one) Any solutions? Thank you for responding PD: I've got a new one caterpillar. And It only happens with Destiny with other games I don't have these issues. PD2: After the new update the game stil crashing in the heroic assault lv 30 and others. Now it gave me the error code beetle (again). I would apreciate any answer at least for knowing that bungie is working on that. Thanks again

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  • CONTACTING DESTINY SERVERS! Every 15-20minutes! Unable to complete anything without getting kicked before its finished. THE most agrevating thing whilst trying to play your favourite game! So disappointed as I've played destiny since launch and never had this problem. DLC was supposed to be something to be exited about and turns out it's killed my passion for the game.

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