So my friend (GT= [b]Horizon Ultima[/b]) was around the Reef, he found a space ball the looks like a servitor and is hidden around the reef in three different spawn locations.
We took the liberty of naming him Nemo since he is a Baby Servitor in the Reef. And we thought that the name fit well.
His eye also turns red after taking damage, and explodes after being kicked off the edge. And makes noise when you kick him from a stationary position.
Have fun kicking little Nemo Around!!
(Please give credit to the first one to find it so far).
Edit: We do know that the "Baby Servitor" is probably the eye of the Servitor Shell Veriks uses, but it's more fun to call it a Baby Servitor or something of that sort. Even if we call it Nemo.
Also, it is known that we probably weren't the "first" to find him (even though he was found day one, but still) we were just the only ones we've seen say anything about it or mention it. And we want to spread the name of "Nemo" around to others as well.
if you kick it into the wall enough it turns red then catches on fire and explodes.
It's Nemix Prime!
Where is his anemenemoneme?
It's what became of the space core from portal.
I said this on wendsday and dorm one said this on Tuesday
He is actually the gate lords eye
Nemo... I like that.
Actually I seen a post about it about 10 minutes after the dlc dropped on reddit.
I call it Philip. It's a girl ball!
I actually found it day 1 but I never posted on the forums.
And now, every Guardian flocks to the reef to rein-act their favorite game from south park: Kick the Baby.
It's not a baby Servitor. It's the EYE of a Servitor. Go take a better look at it.
I kick it off the edge.
I've killed Nemo a few times. now that he has a name I almost feel bad, almost.
It blows up when you push it off the edge lol
I like the name nemo haha after someone explained it to me, I thought it was clever haha
I will call him squishy and he shall be mine.
That's uh... cool? Nemo's a dumb name though.
We are not naming our child Nemo
You were definitely not the first one to find it. Lol
"Please give credit to the first one to find it" Are you serious? I found it in like a minute after HOW came out.
I was messing around with this yesterday while waiting for one of our fire team members had to run a quick errand and got to thinking... "What if this was put here as part of a puzzle to find another ghost." There are several doors that will not open around the area. There is what looks like a yellow pressure switch in the floor between Varik and Trials of Osirus. So I positioned it right on top of what I thought looked like a pressure switch and guess what happened...[spoiler]absolutely nothing ;)[/spoiler]